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Mukesh Purohit
Mukesh Purohit

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Launch EC2 instance in AWS

1: Login in to AWS console
2: Search for EC2(Virtual servers in the cloud) click on EC2
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3: Click on Launch instance.
4: To launch EC2 Instance in AWS its 7 steps work flow.
Step 1: Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
Let say we want to use Amazon Linux 2 AMI 64 bit.Click on Select.

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Step 2: Choose an Instance Type
By default it will be on General Purpose (free tier eligible), you can choose others as well but they all are chargeable.

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Step 3: Configure Instance Details
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Step 4: Add Storage
Your instance will be launched with the following storage device settings. You can attach additional EBS volumes and instance store volumes to your instance, or edit the settings of the root volume. You can also attach additional EBS volumes after launching an instance, but not instance store volumes.

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Step 5: Add Tags
A tag consists of a case-sensitive key-value pair. For example, you could define a tag with key = Name and value = Webserver.

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Step 6: Configure Security Group
A security group is a set of firewall rules that control the traffic for your instance. On this page, you can add rules to allow specific traffic to reach your instance.

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Step 7: Review Instance Launch
Please review your instance launch details. You can go back to edit changes for each section. Click Launch to assign a key pair to your instance and complete the launch process. Click on Launch.

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Select > Create a new key pair > Type key pair name > Download key pair > Launch Instance

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