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My Journey as a student

April 12 2022

Before committing to the path on becoming a software engineer, I was studying electrical engineering. Then Covid-19 hit and during that downtime, I was introduced to the vast digital world where "bots" run amok and certain scams received world recognition cough Crypto-currencies and especially Nfts cough. During these last 2 years, I've learned more about how a certain aspect of the world, functions and computer science has definitely impressed me with how it has advanced since the dotcom age.

Prelude to coding
Anyone can code. Success in coding requires a strong mental mindset to follow logic. It is important to understand that coding is a tool for humans to communicate with machines but the tool is also created by humans...hmm makes you think. The syntaxes for each language is comparable to the jargons that are used by lawyers, doctors, etc. We just need to accept it! (because the humans that created the coding languages made it that way)

  • cout << "Hello";
  • console.log("Hello")
  • <h1>Hello</h1>
  • print("Hello")

Above, I have listed 4 different coding languages to outputting the string-text "Hello World!" Learning that is comparable to learning:

  • Hello
  • 你好 (Ni hao)
  • Hola
  • Bonjour

Think about it - It's called a coding "language" for a reason! If you are able to understand what I have wrote so far, you can pick up a coding language too!

Making enemies
A coder can always use a second pair of eyes no matter how good he/she is and that is why we need to write in a clean way and use easy-to-understand variables. If others won't hate you, you might hate yourself for wasting time understanding the logic when trying to reference the code months/years later.

This is My Blog
This is my personal blog that will reflect my journey starting as a software developer. I will update it as I come across methods, techniques and or syntaxes that will make my code better. The reason I said it's personal is because it is something I will want to look back one day and be able to see my capacity at the time and reflect on my growth.

*disclaimer: At this time of writing, crypto and nfts have no logistic functions other than an exchange market.

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