I had the chance to become familiar with essential Django framework concepts while developing the learning log app, and I will go through those concepts in this article.
The Learning Log app is an online journaling application that allows users to record their learning on specific subjects. Users can keep track of the subjects they are interested in and write entries in their journals as they learn more about each one. Users are required to log in or register on the Learning Log home page after the site's description. A user has the ability to add new subjects, edit existing ones, and add new entries.
The Virtual Environment Is Critical
I install packages and isolate them from all other Python packages in a virtual environment on my computer. This is because it prevents installing Python packages everywhere in the system, which can damage other projects or my system tools, and separates my project libraries from those of other projects.
I discovered that making a folder to store everything is the first thing to do.
I discovered that installing a virtual environment is the first step because this is my first time working with Django.
Python3 -m pip install –user virtualenv
Create a virtual environment
I created a virtual environment by running the following command.
python -m venv ll_env
Activate virtual environment
I activated my virtual environment by running the following command
source learning_env/bin/activate
This is specifically for Linux.
Install Django
Once I activate my virtual environment.
I install Django with pip
pip install Django
Creating Project in Django.
I forget the full stop at the end of the command below and I ran into many errors. The full stop prevents folder duplication and makes it easier to deploy your app.
django-admin startproject learning_logs .
Creating Database
Django uses SQLite to store most of the information for a project in a database.
Viewing Project
python manage.py runserver
The command above launch the development server and allow me to see how well my app functions on my system. When a URL request comes in, the Django server replies by creating the necessary page and sending it to the browser.
Launching an App
A Django project is structured as a collection of unique apps that interact with one another to function as a whole.
python manage.py startapp learning_logs
This command instructs Django to build the foundation necessary to develop an app.
Setting Up Models
Django is organized on how to handle the data via a model that will be kept in the application. A model is just a code class with logics, features and procedures, like every class you've ever encountered in python.
Activating Models
Grouping apps together in a project helps to keep track of them as the project grows to include more apps. Whenever I want to modify the data that my app manages, I will need to follow these three steps
To activate the models run the command below
python manage.py makemigrations
The command makemigrations
tells Django to figure out how to modify the database so it can store the data associated with any new models I defined.
python manage.py migrate
The command above lets Django know that it will prepare the database to store the information needed to handle administrative and authentication tasks.
The Django Admin Site
Django makes it easy to work with your models through the admin site. Only the site’s administrators use the admin site, not general users.
Creating a super user
Django allows you to create a "superuser," a user who has all privileges available on the site. A user’s privileges control the actions that user can take.
Run the following code to create super user and follow the promt.
python manage.py createsuperuser
The Django Shell
The Django shell is the interactive environment, which is excellent for testing and troubleshooting project. I can use the Python interpreter that is launched by the command
python manage.py shell
to browse the data included in the database for my project when it is run in an active virtual environment.
Create Pages
Django has three steps for creating web pages: creating URLs, creating views, and creating templates. Any order would do for these. The structure of a URL is described by a URL pattern. In order for Django to know which page to return, it also instructs it on what to check for when comparing a browser request with a site URL.
The view function retrieves and modifies the information required for that page, mapping each URL to a specific view. A template that contains the page's overall structure is frequently used by the view function to render the page.
Creating URLs
I am made to choose which URLs are required since users access pages by typing URLs into browsers and clicking links. The first URL is the home page's. It serves as the default URL for accessing the project. The fact that the default Django site is currently returned by the base URL, http://localhost:8000/, indicates that the project's setup was successful.
In the url.py
in my project folder. I perform the following operations inside this file:
urlpatterns = [
path('admin/', admin.site.urls),
path('', include('app_name.urls')),
In my app folder I created urls.py
, import path and views and write the following inside.
from django.urls import path
from . import views
app_name = 'name_of_your_app'
urlpatterns = [
# Home page
path('', views.index, name='index'),
Composing a View
A view function receives data from a request, prepares it so that it can be used to create a page, and then delivers it back to the browser, frequently using a template that specifies how the page should look.
Open views.py
in your app folder and enter the following code:
from django.shortcuts import render
def index(request):
"""The home page"""
return render(request, 'name_of_app/index.html')
The index()
function in the views.py
file is what Django looks for when a URL request meets the pattern I described. The request object is then passed by Django to this view method. The only code in the method in this scenario is a call to render because we don't need to handle any data for the page.
The original request object and a template that can be used to generate the page are the two arguments passed to the render()
function in this case.
Establishing a Template
Every time a page is requested, Django fills in the pertinent information according to the template's description of how the page should look. You have access to all of the view's data through a template.
Make a templates folder inside the app folder. In the
<p>Welcome to Django</p>
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