DEV Community

Discussion on: Easy Headless Wordpress with Nuxt & Netlify

jacquesviviarto profile image
JacquesViviarto • Edited

Really nice article. Thanks for that.

I have a question about index.php. Currently I am using Vue (without Nuxt) with success. In my wordpress theme I load vue scripts as follows

wp_register_script('vue-app', $directory_uri . '/js/app.js', array(), $version, true);

In order to improve my project I am switching to Nuxt. But I can't keep the same logic of integration. Nuxt does not create a unique app.js. Nuxt is generating a whole bunch of files and I cannot load them synchronously. Neither in build nor in dev (hot-module-replacement).

Do you have an idea how to integrate Nuxt whith this logique ?