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Freelance advantages

I've been working as freelance during last 25 years (several of them also as an employee) and to be honest I don't regret

I must to admit I've lucky during all my trajectory and I had little periods without a project, in fact many times I needed to work for a couple of customers at the same time.

Many people will tell you be freelance is not a good option and better to be an employee. You don't need to be worry about responsibilities, money and bad decisions are not your fault but to me these advice are bullshit.

If you're an employee you're worry about the profit of the company because your salary depends on it, many employees work non payable hours and lot of them suffer depression or heart attacks. Same as a freelance

This year (Sep 2023 - Jul 2024) has been very stressful/depressed to me. One of my tasks has been to try improve agility in a team, another refactor a lot of services and migrate them from docker to Kubernetes, or in the middle of the year take the ownership of a project because the developer disappeared from one day to another, ...

TL;DR none of these tasks has been completed and most of them are still on progress (I'm not a super-guru only a simple freelance dev)

As I've a long background (55 years must to be for something) and luckily I've a positive balance in my account I notified a couple of months ago to my customers that I'll take July for my petprojects and August holidays with the family

Don't know your company but I think as an employee I couldn't do it at least without a doctor's visit

So, here I'm.
Learning machine learning, Spark, Mahout, ...
working in an Open Source project with a friend,
publishing (small) web apps with Vue3
reading and planning our trip to USA for holidays

Don't know the future, who can, but by the moment I'll continue as a freelance

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