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Jaine PS
Jaine PS

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Repository Environments: Remote and Development in Git

There are two main repository environments:

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Remote environment and development environment.
The remote environment is where changes made to the computer are sent to a remote environment, and will be able to be shared.

The development environment is where the local machine is. This environment is made up of three parts: Working directory, Staging area and Local repository.
To take a remote repository and run it locally, use the command:

git clone -

Copying is done in two places, in the Working directory e no Local Repository. Why git is version distribution control.
The local repository is a literal copy of the remote repository, the only difference is that it is not shared.
Another thing that the command git clone does, is to create a folder that will contain this copy.

When a file is created, it is only present in your working directory, to see what is happening in the working directory, use the command:git status, that will tell you which branch you are working on.

After creating a file, it is placed in the staging area, this means that all changes that will be committed to the remote repository.

To send the changes to the staging area, use the command:

git add -file_name

To commit these changes to the local repository, use the command

git commit -m โ€œmessageโ€

To write good commit messages

To share your changes, and send them to the remote repo, use the command:

git push

Push sends only the changes, so it is very efficient network use.

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The proper use of these commands, plus the habit of writing clear and informative commit messages, contributes to an understandable history and facilitates collaboration in software development projects.

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