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Transitioning into Backend Develpoment

Software development is a path I am most passionate about. When it comes to softwares, I have always been fascinated about how things work under the hood. This is the reason I chose this career path. I started my tech journey in web development. I learnt and used the MERN (MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, NodeJS) to create multiple fullstack web applications.
I realised at some point that I might enjoy mobile development. So I decided to give it a try and learnt Flutter. This was one of the best decisions I made as I got my first real software developer job as a mobile app developer. I currently work as the senior mobile application engineer of a fintech company using Flutter.

No Room for Complacency

If you are as passionate about softwares, this wouldn't come as a shocker to you. I am always looking to learning new things and upgrading my skills.
I decided to pick up Go language. Although I have little experience in backend development with NodeJS|ExpressJS and MongoDB, this was a while ago and I'm a little bit rusty. I decided to learn backend development in Go and PostgreSQL. I realised I have that same feeling I had when I decided to venture into mobile development with Flutter. I realised I enjoy backend development, especially in Go. This is my current stage now, as I am still learning; although I have built a mini project in this stack.


I recently learnt about the HNG internship and I thought to myself, "this couldn't have come at a better time". I learnt the internship is for anyone and any developer at any role and with any level of experience. It is a platform to learn and collaborate with minds alike. It also offers exposures to job opportunities. I am genuinely grateful for this opportunity and I'm looking to making the most out of it.

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