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Discussion on: ¿Is using Jquery a bad practice nowadays?

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Jason Espin • Edited

No. The use of jQuery in itself is not bad practise.
Many of the comments on here are ignoring the real world scenarios where institutions such as banks and government agencies still use out of date browsers with special paid support from Microsoft because their whole infrastructure is based around the use of older versions of Internet Explorer. In these cases you definitely cannot consider the user of jQuery bad practise because it is more consistent than the browsers own apis in msot cases. Yes, if you are developing anything for modern browsers then you should consider something like Vue or React for future proofing but if you need to put a simple site out there without the overhead of learning one of these new framework / libraries and you already know jQuery then there is no harm in starting a project using jQuery with the aim of porting over to one of the hot frameworks later on or indeed using Vanilla JS. The big issue here is programming snobs. The people who want to move on to the latest, hottest, "greatest" framework without looking at the overall implications such as the time required in order to ensure that stuff is implemented correctly with a team who has not used it before. My advice, ignore these snobs. Learn the newer frameworks in your own time. In fact, learn just one. Most of the principles carry over. In the meantime use what you are comfortable with and can be most productive with.