DEV Community

Jason Rees
Jason Rees

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React Hooks with Typescript: Use State and Use Effect in 2020.

Released in React v16.8.0, React Hooks address a number of issues with React, and perhaps most notably for TypeScript users, provide a first-class solution for reusing stateful logic, built with typing in mind. Due to this, a lot of the types for Hooks can be inferred, but in some cases explicit types must be set.

We are going to use typescript for this tutorial, so that our code remain 100% typesafe, and I must say if you are doing a big project, Typescript is a must feature one should go with, which helps to keep the code clean.

The above command will create a project with the name codersera-hooks-tutorial. Once it is done, go straight to the directory and either npm start or yarn start, will kickstart the project.

We will be using yarn throughout this tutorial to maintain consistency.

Let us now integrate antd ( a design library by the name of ant design), which we will be using to have some standard UI components. And, this does not have to do anything with hooks or react in general.

Integrating antd in react with hooks.

That’s all, we now have a complete typescript setup off react with antd design library integrated.

Using State with hooks in React (React.useState)

Let us see how the state is used with hooks. For this, we are going to create a simple form component, that will show the value in the input field upon submitting the form.

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