The internets already bombarded with noise, and yet here I am adding more. This blog exactly serves ... nothing. It's something that I'll archive soon after (hopefully) passing the certification exam. It's a silly documentation on what I am doing.
But this blog collection will include:
Me reviewing
Establishing the cloud club in UC
Further activities in the cloud (soon)
Establishing Baguio as a Smart City with my friends (<3 ampogi nio gais)
Me fumbling and enjoying the course I chose.
It will be unordered and unprofessional, but that's just how it will be. I'd like to document how I process what happened after November 27, 2024 [The day I received the AWS Email]. I do like documenting and writing about the things I do, but I usually make them anonymous. But this time, since it's bigger, it would be great to list how I'm doing.
I believe that the role that was given to me and the skill that I possess does not match at all. Me saying that to myself is unfair, but it is the truth. There is a huge gap that I have to fill, and I have to work for. If my first-year self would discover what I am doing right now, they probably wouldn't understand or even believe ANYTHING.
So, I'll work on things without burning out the fuel and having fun on the path!
It's always day one.
Top comments (1)
Hello stupid ass