DEV Community

Discussion on: React: How to create a custom progress bar component in 5 minutes

jastuccio profile image
jastuccio • Edited

Nice progress bar. I am stuck passing props in a progress bar I am working on and may have found my solution in this example.

I think this one has some accessibility issues though. I'm a noob, but going to take a shot at the code based on step 3. This may not be right.

const ProgressBar = (props) => {
  const { bgcolor, completed } = props;

// styles...

  return (
    <div style={containerStyles}>
      <div style={fillerStyles}>

export default ProgressBar;
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MDN <progress> can be hard to style so we are using the progress role instead.

MDN - progressbar_role

ramonak profile image
Katsiaryna (Kate) Lupachova

Thank you for pointing this out! The component was written without accessibility at all. I should definitely correct this!

jastuccio profile image

You're welcome. I think most of us learned HTML and CSS without accessibility as part of the code. I know I did. Accessibility was required for the progress bar I was building or I probably would not have thought to include it 🤦‍♂️