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How to Build a Cool GitHub Profile in 2 Minutes

Jayant on September 20, 2022

Hey Guys, Today I want to share with you all, how you can make a Cool GitHub Profile in just 2 minutes. Here is My GitHub Profile Page You can ...
nombrekeff profile image
Keff • Edited

I understand the appeal of doing this, but I would not call this PRO, I would call it excessive. As mentioned in other similar posts, recruiters and other developers don't care about all this nonsense. We don't care what you listen to on spotify, we don't care about flashy images, and we don't care about your life here. That's what cvs and personal websites are for. Github should be used to share your code and contributions. KISS applies here as well. Just keep it simple and make it easy for me to get to your projects!

Edit: Of course you can put whatever you like, it's your profile, I'm looking it from a professional (and personal) standpoint!

turowski profile image
Kacper Turowski • Edited

The preposterousness of recruiters and pro devs thinking that Github profile readme is just for them 😁

We don't care what you listen to on spotify, we don't care about flashy images, and we don't care about your life here. That's what cvs and personal websites are for.

Arguably, cvs are not necessarily for what I listen on Spotify and definitely not for flashy images. And my cv and Linkedin profile are for recruiters. My profile on Github is for me and I'll put whatever I want in there, for other devs wanting to actually connect to see.

nombrekeff profile image

Fair enough, I'm not a recruiter by the way! I might've written it weirdly but I was refering to the life information and experience would be in the CV, not spotify and so on. Of course you can put whatever you want in your profile, my problem was calling it pro...

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turowski profile image
Kacper Turowski

In their defense, the title says "cool github profile", I didn't even notice them saying it's also "pro" in the body 😁 full-on agreed!

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nombrekeff profile image

They must've changed since I wrote the comment! I kinda feel a bit bad now!

nombrekeff profile image

I never thought github profiles are for recruiters nor pro developers, but the posts says how to create a pro github profile, which I don't think this overdone readme is. Just my opinion though! Of course feel free to put whatever you want to, just note that it mighht have a negative impact when looking for work (or maybe not)...

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turowski profile image
Kacper Turowski

If my potential employer won't want to hire me because I said that - for example - I do Tarot readings in my free time, it's 💯 an employer I do not want to work for.

jay818 profile image

Thanks for the Feedback , I will try to make it more Simpler

nombrekeff profile image

I'm sorry if it sounded a bit harsh. I have to say that your profile if not that exceive compared to others I've seen around!

turowski profile image
Kacper Turowski

While I don't agree with Keff on my Github profile having to be concise and about my professionalism, I think it's bit excessive. The massive animated header is an overkill, the buymeacoffee plug feels unnecessary (why would I want to do that?) and your "cute beardy guy coding on laptop" gif has a C# sticker on his laptop while you don't even list C# as your skill 😁

And, uhh... that's obviously my personal opinion, but your profile picture does stand out in professional environment, and not in a good way.

jay818 profile image
Jayant • Edited

Thanks for Picking out Mistakes Sir.
Actually I have just Copy the without going in the details.
I have Corrected it now.

theaccordance profile image
Joe Mainwaring

Pretty cool generator you put together!

varshithvhegde profile image
Varshith V Hegde

I don't know about others but atlast it's your github you can make it as your wish. 😅Though i liked your readme. Cool

lexlohr profile image
Alex Lohr

Please do not steal images, respect the copyright of the creators.

jay818 profile image
