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Jayachandran V
Jayachandran V

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Difference between Functional Testing and Non Functional Testing? Give Some Examples

Functional Testing and Non functional testing

This type of testing verifies whether the specified functional requirements are met and the non functional testing used to test non-functional things

_Functional Testing Non functional testing
User View: Hacker View:

Can the user do this? Are Vulnerabilities in
the network infrastructure
operating system or
database system?

Does the feature work? Can the client(browser
etc.,) be manipulated?

Does the software meets the Is the server code robust?
users expectations?

At a component level Overall System

**Functional testing Vs Non functional Testing**
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Mandatory Non Mandatory

Usually easy to define Usually more difficult to

It has been done before It will be done after
non functional testing functional testing completes

It is also called Behavioral Focus on the performance of
testing and focus on the the testing
underlying application

It can be done manually It is hard to do manually. It
through test cases can be usually need already existing
automated once application applications to measure and
is stable test application performance

Types of Functional testing Types of Non functional
includes Unit testing, Smoke testing includes volume
testing, Integration testing, testing, Load testing, stress
Regression testing, system testing, Recovery testing,
testing, User acceptance Scalability testing, Security
testing testing

Test data can be prepared Test data can be prepared
using the business or using the performance
functional requirements of requirements of the
the application application

Testing tool used for Testing tools used for non
functional testing includes functional testing includes
UFT(previously QTP), Jmeter, LoadRunner, Webload,
selenium, Ranorex, telerik Neoload, Loadcomplete
test studio, Micro focus,
sahi, testcomplete, IBM

Example Test case: Example Test case: __

Test whether the user can Time required to load the
able to login to the application homepage

1) Authentication of user whenever 1) Emails should be sent
he/she logs into the system. with a latency of no greater
than 12hours from such an
2) System shutdown in case 2)The processing of each
of a cyber attack. request should be done
within 10 seconds
3) A Verification email is 3) The site should load in

sent to user whenever he/she 3seconds when the number
registers for the first time of simultaneous users are
on some software system. > 10000

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