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Discussion on: Have you tried functional programming?

jayantc89319020 profile image

I have tried Haskell and I mostly use it for solving codewars problems

I like it because it's very elegant to write both digitally and physically (on paper) , basically pythonic code on storids

It isn't inheritanly better than OO languages and you probably can implement most features of an object in it

Most people would regard that it is not a very practical language and I would agree,but I certainly improves you as a programmer ,haskell is very inviting as in it invites people to lookup implement of functions often to understand how it works ,on the other hand one can open up standard library and look up implementation in Cpp but it isn't remotely easy to understand

Finally implementing algorithms in Haskell often gives me a deeper understanding of it because you really have to apply your brain to figure every part out .

madza profile image

I've heard great things about Haskell from the community 😉
PS I also did codewars challanges couple of years ago, focusing on JS 😀

jayantc89319020 profile image

If doing code wars sounds Fun to you ,not just a way to prep for interview then you will have a great time here

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madza profile image

When preparing for interviews I see it as a must, since the problems there are the type you would expect in any technical interview 😉
Tho, as you noted, I was not there for that purpose, tho had a fun time anyway since those challenges are pretty addictive 😀😀

mpscholten profile image
Marc Scholten

Haskell can also be used in a very pragmatic way :) Check out IHP IHP is similar to Rails/Django/Laravel but has all the powerful advantages of Haskell.

madza profile image

This is interesting, thanks 😉👍

totally_chase profile image

Haskell has come a long way in making the small, non-practical parts of the language significantly more practical. Modern day Haskell community likes to think in terms of applicatives rather than monads, profunctors and categories rather than arrows, and traversables for composition, instead of monad transformers (in most cases). The unwieldly parts of Haskell, in practical code, really came from an over-obsession on "monads". 10 years ago, that changed. Many of the abstractions have now been made much more modular, separated into a beautiful hierarchy of typeclasses instead of jumbling everything into a monad.

The problem with monads is that they don't compose - leading to deep stacks of monad transformers, which was the only thing that made Haskell "impractical". Everything else has always been very pragmatic even outside of algo problems. I myself use Haskell far more for practical projects than algo problems. I encourage you to give it a shot!

Now, you may have noticed that I just spit out a random bunch of abstract nonsense on the first paragraph. I mean, what the hell is a profunctor? Ok, so the problem with describing programming concepts is that it takes time and most things can't be summarized. This is why those names exist, to summarize them. Except the names mean nothing to people who don't already know the concept. So I'll give you some pointers on practical examples for learning these concepts. They are extremely simple, but I can't summarize all of them in one comment haha.

There's a whole bunch more really good "modern typeclasses" in the base package now that you should check out. They make practical Haskell extremely elegant and easy to use. Here's a few more that you should check out - Bifunctors, Bitraversables, Bifoldables, Category and Semigroup.