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JWT explained in 4 minutes (With Visuals)

Jean-Paul Rustom on February 24, 2024

Introduction JWT authentication and session authentication are ways to authenticate users of your web app. In this article we will e...
nigel447 profile image
nigel447 • Edited

"JWT is protected against tampering" true to a limited extent
scenario 1:
the app gets a token from the server, but a proxy(like burp) intercepts the token then
decodes the payload, alters parameter(s) for example some user id parameter like email for example then passes the token to the app, since the app more than likely does not check the signature( usually verify is on the back-end) the app will now make a state update on altered user data
scenario 2:
their is a bunch of attacks based on the "algo" parameter

strongly advise working on the premise the JWT has been tampered with and coding defensibly against this, for example scenario 1, resend the JWT back to the back-end for verification before app state update

mkulak profile image

You described MITM attack where malicious proxy can read and modify arbitrary data between client and server. If client sends back to the server jwt token for verification, what prevents proxy from intercepting this request and spoofing the response?

nigel447 profile image
nigel447 • Edited

u are correct nothing stops this,hopefully you can see that just trusting that the jwt is valid is an error, basic idea is if you get a jwt that does not verify on the server then this is a red flag that you are under attack and you then implement defensive code, which is better than just hoping everything is ok, as to spoofing the response need correct headers

schemetastic profile image
Schemetastic (Rodrigo) • Edited

Hey cool video! I did learn new stuf and it was very interesting!

If you let me give you a bit of feedback, in some parts the contrast of some text wasn't so good, let me show some examples:

Image description

Image description

Maybe bolder text or more light colors, keep in mind that I watched most of the video in a small size (not full screen). Hope this helps.

But it was a very cool video!

sudiptaadhikaryjoy profile image
Sudipta Adhikary Joy

Great content to learn about JWT. I need more content like this. Appreciate it and Thank you providing such a beautiful content.

galdamez profile image
Jose Galdamez

JWT is one of those subjects I keep having to re-learning every few years since I don’t need to implement it often. When it’s already working you don’t have to worry about it. Overall, great video animation and write-up! It definitely beats reading the standard for getting a quick summary.

harkinj profile image

'4-Verifying the Token'. - does this involve calling the 'auth server'?

sirthaven profile image
Jakub Serafin

this is important step that is totally missing in this article.

tbroyer profile image
Thomas Broyer

JWTs are very common (too common?), but have also been harshly criticized by security professionals; see end of:

marco45palomo profile image
Marco Palamede

Very nice article. Do you have it in PDF or eBook ?

ricardogesteves profile image
Ricardo Esteves

Nice article, thanks for sharing !