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How to Deploy Angular Universal to Vercel

Jonathan Gamble on December 28, 2021

Update - Angular 17.2 - 3/2/24 While you still can't get Vercel Edge deployments to work until the nodejs dependencies problem is resol...
mickl profile image

Hey! Did you try it out with the new Angular 17 yet? They added integrated SSR support to Angular. Now running "ng serve" or "ng build" automatically starts SSR server, thats awesome!

Anyway, Vercel now throws the error:

Cannot find module '../dist/server/main'

The server folder looks way different now and has .mjs modules instead of .js.

Angular 16:
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Angular 17:
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wolfsoko profile image
Wolfram Sokollek

I came up with this solution for the app/index.js:

async function loadServer() {
  const serverModule = await import('../dist/apps/{your-app}/server/server.mjs');

export default loadServer().then(app => app());
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jdgamble555 profile image
Jonathan Gamble • Edited

Try with this on the import file:

const server = require('../dist/angular-vercel/server/server');

module.exports =;
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And just keep all the package.json the same without editing it.


mickl profile image
Mick • Edited

Ahhhh I totally forgot about the api/index.js and was wondering here he gets this server/main from ... :) Anyway I could NOT get it to work yet! I tried to all different kind of imports and renaming the file from index.js to index.mjs but I couldnt find the correct way yet. Maybe you have a look at it?

import server from '../dist/angular-vercel/server/server';

module.exports =;
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import app from '../dist/server/server.mjs';

module.exports = app();
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Nothing works...

Btw the package.json is now significantly different! Thats because ng build already builds browser and server app, so no more need for build:ssr! This also means build/deploy time went from 2 minutes to 1 minute :)

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jdgamble555 profile image
Jonathan Gamble

You have to use require because it is JS. Did you try my code? You're importing 'server.mjs'... hence server/server.

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mickl profile image

I think thats the first thing tried but in mjs there is no require allowed anymore when I remember correct. I renamed index.js to index.mjs because it was not working.

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jdgamble555 profile image
Jonathan Gamble
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mickl profile image
Mick • Edited

I got it exactly like you, I double checked everything, I dont know what I am missing. Error:

Cannot find module '../dist/server/server'
Require stack:

  • /var/task/api/index.js Did you forget to add it to "dependencies" in package.json?

My outputPath is just dist.

Are you on Node 20 maybe? Because I cant use Node 20 because the version they use is not compatible with @angular/animations:

error @angular/animations@17.0.5: The engine "node" is incompatible with this module. Expected version "^18.13.0 || >=20.9.0". Got "20.5.1"

EDIT: Nope, same error with Node 20 when I add --ignore-engines flag to yarn.

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mickl profile image

Found it! The outputPath in angular.json actually need to be dist/something and cant be just dist. I dont know why but maybe it has something todo with how Vercel deploys the files.

Doesnt work:

  - server/
  - browser/
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  - something/
       - server/
       - browser/
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Thats an important info! Will you update the article to Angular 17 or write a new one?

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jdgamble555 profile image
Jonathan Gamble

I didn't change any settings. It defaults to Node 18. I also didn't edit package.json at all. Make sure you're using js and not ts. You can leave me your repo and I can look.

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mickl profile image
Mick • Edited

I am pretty sure that your example does not work, too:


-> Your function is crashing. Probably with the same error as mine:

Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module /var/task/dist/yo/server/server.mjs not supported.

And the reason that you see a website on your example is:

  1. The page (index.html) is a built-time prerendered static html page
  2. The request does NOT go through your serverless function
  3. You can confirm this by setting prerender to false in you angular.json -> You will now see that the normal browser website is served and your ssr serverless function never runs.

If you want we can take a look together but how can I contact you? Or maybe you already find the reason why...

Btw I also see Vercel compiling my index.js:

Warning: Node.js functions are compiled from ESM to CommonJS. If this is not intended, add "type": "module" to your package.json file.
Compiling "index.js" from ESM to CommonJS...

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jdgamble555 profile image
Jonathan Gamble

You're right, but its not detecting my vercel.json file at all! Not sure why. It just loads the regular browser files and never runs the serverless function, and no errors.

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mickl profile image

Did you find anything out in the meantime?

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jdgamble555 profile image
Jonathan Gamble

@mickl @trongthuong96 @wolfsoko - Hey guys, I got it working thanks to all of your ideas. See the updated post with a demo.

mickl profile image
Mick • Edited

Angular 17

A lot has changed :) Build times went down from 2:30 min to 1:00 min!

Please note that (according to my findings) it does NOT work if you set outputPath in angular.json just to dist. It needs to be dist/my-project, otherwise it does not work for some reason.

package.json: No need to change anything, SSR is already included in Angular. If you are upgrading from Angular < 17 you can remove the :ssr scripts and the vercel-build script:

"start": "ng serve",
"build": "ng build",
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  "version": 2,
  "public": true,
  "name": "my-project",
  "rewrites": [
      "source": "/(.*)",
      "destination": "/api"
  "functions": {
    "api/index.js": {
      "includeFiles": "dist/my-project/**"
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const server = import('../dist/my-project/server/server.mjs');

module.exports =;
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jdgamble555 profile image
Jonathan Gamble

What does your package.json look like?

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mickl profile image

You dont change anything in Angular 17 SSR is already integrated:

"start": "ng serve",
"build": "ng build",

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jdgamble555 profile image
Jonathan Gamble • Edited

My function doesn't seem to be working, but I think Angular now works with ssr out of the box so it may be a moot point !? -

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mickl profile image

If you upgraded your project then use the angular.json from a fresh Angular 17 project because a lot has changed there!

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jdgamble555 profile image
Jonathan Gamble

Do you have a working link where the "api" folder that holds the function also works? I created a new project for testing. It seems to work out of the box (with no changes at all), but I think my function is not working. Is your function working when you navigate to /api?

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jdgamble555 profile image
Jonathan Gamble

I was able to get it to work both ways api now forwarding to regular. See article changes for how. However, I think it may now work out-of-the-box if we don't do any changes at all.

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mickl profile image

Yes it works fine. It redirects me to "/". If I disable JavaScript I see the prerendered pages. I see in you example you export while it should be Maybe thats the cause?

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jdgamble555 profile image
Jonathan Gamble

I'm using a module to import it and it works. See the top of the article for the updates. Also, again, I think Angular SSR may work with Vercel now out of the box and none of this is necessary.

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mickl profile image

Why do you think it works out of the box? I tried removing vercel.json and api folder but it just shows 404 because build is now creating browser and server folder). If I go to /browser it displays the static index.html (without going through server first) and fails to load all the scripts.

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mickl profile image

@jdgamble555 I tried your code:

import * as server from '../dist/angular-vercel-ssr/server/server.mjs';

export default;
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But for me it only works like this:

const server = import('../dist/angular-vercel-ssr/server/server.mjs');

module.exports =;
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jdgamble555 profile image
Jonathan Gamble

Did you add "type": "module" to package.json?

trongthuong96 profile image

Angular 17: file api/index.js:
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Render on the home page:
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Because by default the home page is not rendered. Don't know why { "source": "/(.*)", "destination": "/api" } doesn't automatically redirect to the home page.

(I used google translate)

mickl profile image
Mick • Edited

It kinda works but for all static files (javascript, css, images) it returns the prerendered html page again. Does ist work for you?

It works with: "includeFiles": "dist/MYPROJECT/**

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trongthuong96 profile image

I found a solution to work without redirecting the home page. Just rename index.html in src to index1.html. And in angular.json "index": "src/index1.html".

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mickl profile image

I dont have this problem! Just check my example and use the angular.json from a fresh Angular 17 project.

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rayhan_nj profile image
Raihan Nismara

is it working now ssr on vercel?

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mickl profile image

Yes works fine!

leehodges profile image
Lee Hodges • Edited

Thanks for this! I made a few changes to my setup so I'm not always running production environments when I want to hit say staging backend.

Strip out "vercel-build": "npm run build:ssr" from package.json
Update "build:ssr" to "ng build --configuration production && ng run project-name-here:server"

Create in your root directory of the project

if [[ $VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_REF == "main" ]]; then
  echo "This is our production branch"
  npm run build:ssr
elif [[ $VERCEL_GIT_COMMIT_REF == "master" ]]; then
  echo "This is our production branch"
  npm run build:ssr
  echo "This is not our production branch"
  npm run build:staging-ssr
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The above is just looking at what branch is being deployed, if it's main/master build:ssr will run if its any other branch my staging-environment deployment script will run.

Settings on Vercel for the project add custom build command of sh

amaurygoncalves profile image
Amaury Gonçalves Costa • Edited

Thanks man for this!! It has saved me, rsss. Thanks 4 share!

mickl profile image

Thanks a lot for the article! Does this also work with Vercel Edge Runtime, which is just a subset of the Node API?

jdgamble555 profile image
Jonathan Gamble • Edited

I have not tested it, but there is no reason it shouldn't work on the edge, as it is just JavaScript. You can try adding this to the index.js:

export const config = {
  runtime: 'edge',
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Let me know if you figure it out!


mickl profile image
Mick • Edited

It would require to also set the response header as written in the docs BUT I tried it out and it doesnt work:

Error: The Edge Function "api/index" is referencing unsupported modules:

  • dist/server/main.js: crypto, fs, http, https, net, os, path, querystring, stream, string_decoder, timers, tty, url, zlib, node:fs, node:path

There is an open feature request to remove the dependencies of Angular Universal (e.g. remove Express) so it can work on workers that dont support full Node API like Vercel Edge Functions or Cloudflare Pages BUT it will probably be closed if it doesnt get 20 upvotes in the next week:

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jdgamble555 profile image
Jonathan Gamble • Edited

Yup, I just tried it and go the same error. Normally in Node.js, you could use the "browser" key in package.json to ignore certain imports, but the edge uses Deno. Until this gets resolved (I upvoted BTW), I don't see Angular Universal being possible on Vercel or any Edge. However, AnalogJS may be a different thing.

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mickl profile image

Did you find anything out in the meantime?

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mickl profile image

I got it working thangs to @trongthuong96 ! I posted it on top level

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jdgamble555 profile image
Jonathan Gamble

Ok, great, could you post the working config?

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mickl profile image

Posted it on top level

tobias_michelchen profile image
Tobias Michelchen

calling here from 2025... guide helped me a lot getting ssr@vercel running. With Angular 19 the angular team changed the structure of server.ts a little. So a little additional changes are necessary.

First you will need to export app-constant in server.ts

export const app = express();

2nd you just need to export "app" instead of calling the "app()" which was previously a function creating the express server. Paste this in api/index.js to get ready.

export default import('../dist/angular-vercel-ssr/server/server.mjs').then(module =>;

With those to changes + added vercel.json everything works with Angular 19.

cotentin profile image

Hi, I'm trying to push my Angular app (v16.2) to Vercel with SSR. I followed the steps and the deployment works fine. However, when I inspect the page source, I only see an <app-root> tag with nothing inside, indicating that the site isn't rendered server-side. I'm having trouble understanding why this is happening.

jdgamble555 profile image
Jonathan Gamble

Did you follow the index renaming and prerendering off part as well? I have also only tested on Angular 17.

keval101 profile image
Keval Vadhiya • Edited

Just an update:

I have tried with Angular19
We don't need vercel.json and api folder with index.js
I didn't change anything with angular

on Vercel configuration I just changed the deployment command to

node dist/project_name/server/server.mjs
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panesarpbx8 profile image
Sukhpreet Singh

Thanks for sharing this man! this is helpful

but one problem I am facing is my app is not server-rendered.

the home url is working but only the static version (with cookies disabled)
but any other url is taking more than 10 seconds to respond, resulting in 504 function timeout error.

could you please help my out?

jdgamble555 profile image
Jonathan Gamble

You may have a loop in your code. Make sure to test it with npm run dev:ssr first. Usually it is a login code that should only be ran on the frontend.

meabhinavakhil profile image
Abhinav • Edited

Hey, this is my configuration but i am getting errors as show below.

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using Angular V17

Please let me know on how to fix this. Thanks

georgeknap profile image
George Knap

why is your functions pointing to dist/YOUR_PROJECT_NAME/browser/** ?
Shouldn't it be from .../server/**?

jdgamble555 profile image
Jonathan Gamble

No, the server is the index.js file. That is for the static files like images, css, etc

mickl profile image
Mick • Edited

Thanks for the article!! One little thing: Instead of step 2 and 3 you could just go to the Vercel website and tell it to run "npm run build:ssr" or "yarn build:ssr".

jdgamble555 profile image
Jonathan Gamble

Well you have to have the Vercel config file anyway, so this actually skips that step.

klalib_aek profile image

Thanks for this, How can i used with i18n ?

jdgamble555 profile image
Jonathan Gamble

Not sure about that, never used i18n on any framework. Post here if you figure it out!

hieutranagi47 profile image
Hieu Tran

I do like this:

export default import('../../dist/langs/server/en/server.mjs')
  .then(module =>;
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export default import('../../dist/langs/server/vi/server.mjs')
  .then(module =>;
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    "version": 2,
    "public": true,
    "name": "langs",
    "rewrites": [
        "source": "/vi/(.*)",
        "destination": "/api/vi"
        "source": "/en/(.*)",
        "destination": "/api/en"
    "functions": {
      "api/en/index.js": {
        "includeFiles": "dist/langs/en/**"
      "api/vi/index.js": {
        "includeFiles": "dist/langs/vi/**"
    "redirects": [
      { "source": "/", "destination": "/en", "permanent": false }
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And angular.json

"projects": {
    "langs": {
      "i18n": {
        "locales": {
          "vi": {
            "translation": "src/locales/",
            "baseHref": "/vi/"
          "en": {
            "translation": "src/locales/messages.xlf",
            "baseHref": "/en/"
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I don't know how to make it work with the default language (en) to use "baseHref": "/"

anupam96786 profile image
Anupam Samanta

Using angular 17 ssr. This guide helped me a lot. Thank you.

francdore profile image
Francois La Cock

Thank you!! That worked like a charm after I got 404 not found errors on Vercel.