DEV Community

Discussion on: Living alone, how do you cope up with anxiety, depression and stress from work or from the current events?

jeantiston profile image
Jean Tiston

I feel you. I was in a similar situation. I used to live with my sister but she moved back to the province right before this whole situation happened. And even though I'm used to working remotely, I was always able to work in a cafe, meet with friends, or do whatever before all of this happened. So the recent events just made me feel stuck and anxious. So this is my advice (or well, this is what works for me)

  1. Know that it will pass. It might feel so awful sometimes especially when you're anxious and you spiral down into thinking the worst possible scenarios but it gets better eventually.
  2. Observe what triggers your anxieties or panic attacks. Being aware of what sets you off gives you the chance to either avoid it or if it's unavoidable to at least try to reframe your mindset about it.
  3. Talk to friends. You don't need to talk to them about what you feel cause I know that might be awkward sometimes but just connect with people and chat about trivial things or play online games together over zoom. (Jackbox games and Among Us are awesome for this)
  4. Don't force it. If you feel like you're less productive now than you used to, just accept it and roll with it. Don't feel bad for feeling bad.

All my advice sounds so... theoretical. So here's a practical tip. Try you can get a virtual co-working buddy and it's kinda nice to work with someone sometimes. :)

penandpapers profile image

Thanks you so much. God Bless :D

mccurcio profile image
Matt Curcio

Really nice,
Thank you