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Discussion on: Picking a Frontend Framework as a Beginner

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Jerzy Kurowski • Edited

React is harder to learn especially when you want to do simple things. React is less opinionated and does not provide patterns to accomplish things as much as VUE does.
I'm not saying one or the other is better. It depends what you want/need.

VUE 2.x can be easily integrated into the page by writing the vue code directly inside the document but this is not the recommended way.

Creating components with .vue files is easier than in react. The structure of .vue files clearly separates js from template and css, you can do more with less code, the code you write often has less JS more VUE API (what validates your point of being able to do more in vue with lesser JS knowlege).
One could say "VUE gives you a path in REACT you make your own".

I would say VUE is more fun to write than REACT so whenever appropriate I prefer it. And i think it is more than enough for most of things one usually needs.

Having said that the comment from simpleAdam stating that it is more valuable professionaly has a point.
REACT is supported by Facebook and while there is a lot of things out there in VUE ecosystem still REACT has it better.

For example I don't think you can find something like draft.js in VUE

"Professional value" may depend on your location (if one defines it as employment opportunities).
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