DEV Community

Jess Lee
Jess Lee

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What are your thoughts on the 4-day work week?

Have you ever worked for a company with that schedule? If so, what was it like? If not, is this something you'd be interested in?

Latest comments (34)

meghanbomberger profile image
Meghan Bomberger

I've worked a four tens schedule for a few years now. I've had the best reault with two on one off two on two day weekend. I have a chronic fatigue condition and having a day to rest in the middle is the only way I can keep wokring a 40 hour week.

_justirma profile image
Irma Mesa • Edited

I'd love it. I've read blogs of others experiences and podcasts on the topic too. I think as long as I'm getting paid the same salary as I would if I were putting in 5 days + the culture was setup to embrace this way of working I'd be all for it. It really helps my productivity and having a 3 day weekend is honestly so refreshing. I'm able to come back from that weekend in full force for the work week.

Here's a great episode by This Is Product Management speaking with Natalie Nagale on the subject and the ups/downs her company has faced with a 4 day work week.

munamohamed94 profile image
Muna Mohamed

4-day week would be amazing! I feel like the weekend is rushed and I don't have the time to get as much done as I would like or to enjoy it. I hope this is something that becomes more common place at companies in the near future.

kspeakman profile image
Kasey Speakman

I've never done this, but would like to.

For me, off time is key to coming up with creative solutions. It is a common occurrence that I face a problem at work and the solution is elusive. Then I go home and while doing something else I come up with the idea that leads to a good solution.

Anyway, I would gladly trade 20% salary/benefits for more off time. Because of the cycle of creativity I mentioned above, I do not believe the company would lose 20% of my productivity.

swbsf profile image

Hi there, just to tell you about my 4 days a week schedule. Been doing this for almost 3 years now. Even had the chance to work a 3 days a week for some time. 8 hours a day, always.
My day off is Wednesday. So I never work more than 2 days in a row... yes, 2 days. I see questions about how would people use this spare time, this is non-sense, you'll find easily and could probably handle even more. I spend most of this time taking care of my 2 young daughters. Biggest benefit is obviously tiredness, your chance getting close to a burn-out is almost zero, you'll have a better sleep also. So you are obviously very productive, feeling well, enthusiastic at work.
About the money, I don't earn much, my wife neither. Well, that's a choice you have to make. But, it's probably much easier than you think. This day off is worth it, trust me.
Frankly, I was surprised each time I asked for a shorter week, it has been accepted by my company. If you feel like trying, just ask, you're not taking much risks there, the worst that could happen is a "no".
Not sure it matters, but, before anyone asks : I'm working in France.
I bet the 6h day in Norway feels like this.

philnash profile image
Phil Nash

Still 4 days too many!

lightalloy profile image
Anna Buianova

I'm not 100% sure if I would like that, regarding lower income. But I think it's worth trying, and it would be nice to work 4-day work week at least occasionally.
I've found out that another approach is becoming more popular: letting employees spend 1 day a week self-learning or doing other activities which are related to work, but are not working on the projects directly. Like investment time at Thoughtbot

captdesign profile image

I would love to have a 4-day work week. I have never had the opportunity to do it, but hopefully one day I will. Sounds amazing.

jeikabu profile image

I'm lobbying hard for the 3-day, 30 hour work week. 😎

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

I think it's a pipedream for most people.

papaponmx profile image
Jaime Rios

I believe that it will become a common work environment but it might take a while. Like Home office as a benefit.

codingmindfully profile image
Daragh Byrne

I'm much more productive and satisfied with life. 50% more free time for 80% salary, it's an equation that works for me!

diiaablo95 profile image

In my company, a quite big multinational company, but specifically to its office in Finland, there is a concept of flex hour balance. You are supposed to work 40 hours per week. If you get more than that, you start having a positive balance which you can redeem with half or whole days of leave (or other way round if you go below 0 hours). So, assuming there are no meetings scheduled on either Monday or Friday, you can very easily work 10 hours per day, and take one day off to reset your flex balance back to 0. This is my first real job in IT (I'm 24 still working on my M.Sc. thesis), and I have to say that it will be very hard to do any better than this in future. I have travelled three times already since January, the last one for an entire week, without spending a single day of leave. All with my flex balance, and that feels amazing.

johnpaulada profile image
John Paul Ada

My previous company (GAPLabs) does it. It's awesome! Having an extra "weekend" makes all the difference.

j_mplourde profile image
Jean-Michel Plourde

I'd do my work week in 4 days anytime. Three day weekends are underrated. But even tho every company advertise themselves as a startup ala silicon valley, they are still holding to that old out-dated 5 days week.

mercier_remi profile image
Rémi Mercier • Edited

Ah man, those fancy startups that want to change the world but can't even bend their own prejudices. Ugh. 🤷‍♂️