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What was your win this week?

Jess Lee on September 18, 2020

👋👋👋👋 Hey everyone! I'm back for the week as @graciegregory is getting a head start on our company-wide vacation: ...
aishikamidder05 profile image
Aishika Midder

I have anxiety issues and this year is taking a huge toll on my mental health. I've started doing yoga and meditation since last week and am giving much importance to my mental and emotional well being than I used to. I also am using notion to organize my stuff more efficiently. I'm proud of my lil steps towards a healthier and happy me! ^-^

titanhero profile image
Lex • Edited

Yeah I have a very lot of depression and insomnia, and I know how feels haven't a cool mental health, that destroy you a lot, my error is try to solve my mental problem with alcohol and with that try to change my emotional situation, I have to fight a lot with my mind, lately I skate to try get de-stress and keep my mind busy and focus in another things, it works a lot but don't how I would like, so animus, Never Give Up😉😁👍✌️

navdeepsingh profile image
Navdeep Singh • Edited

Hi Aishika, This is really a win. I think we all technocrats have this anxiety issue. I am also facing this issue of anxiety these days and it takes a toll on my sleep patterns too. Me too working on it like following:

  • Stick to day working hours,
  • Evening time play with my duo Kidz 30-45 mins,
  • Must have 2hrs difference between dinner & bedtime
  • Breathing exercises 5-10 mins before sleeping (Elom Vilom)
  • Morning time go for 30mins cycling or running (if sleep was good last night :) )

More important "LET IT GO, LET IT GO.......mmmm...." :)

vtrpldn profile image
Vitor Paladini

Congrats, Aishika! Lockdown also got me into meditation and yoga and it surely helps a lot.

ender_minyard profile image
ender minyard

That's wonderful 💌
I'm very happy for you ♥️♥️♥️

abbadev profile image
Abdulla T

I built and launched my personal blog (finally 🥳). It's built with Gatsby, and I'm quite happy with the result and the journey too considering I started from the basic starter template.

I also wrote a quick tutorial post on it which I reposted here. It happens to be my first post on even though I've been a member here since 2018 😁.

ryanhaber profile image
Ryan Haber

Oh, man, that looks really nice. Nicely done. I even like the color. :D

emperorkonstantin profile image
Konstantin Anthony

Pretty cool! Blog posts are github issues and you have github comments, really neat.

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

I have hit 45000 views on Dev 🙌

maulik profile image

Congratulations Bobby

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

Thanks a lot Maulik! 🙌

mohanarpit profile image
Arpit Mohan • Edited

I beat Covid! 🎉

Happy to back at work on our OSS project - Appsmith ! 💪

hrishio profile image
Hrishi Mittal

Onwards and upwards!

developerkaren profile image
Karen Efereyan

Congrats Arpit

sm0ke profile image
Sm0ke • Edited

Got featured for the first time in the Dev weekly newsletter with Bootstrap Templates - Open-Source and Free - 300+ reactions.
That was pretty cool :).

admindashboards profile image

Nice ...

jordanholtdev profile image
Jordan Holt

Just got a new freelance client this week and started helping a friend build their music portfolio site 😄

developerkaren profile image
Karen Efereyan

I wrote my first dev article and it was so helpful to many. Made Me super happy

jess profile image
Jess Lee


prafulla-codes profile image
Prafulla Raichurkar
amt8u profile image
amt8u • Edited

Not a pretty huge thing but converted my self hosted blog( to a fully functioning PWA. Also written an article about it. If anybody who is running a Ghost JS instance and interested, can check out the steps here. It helped me understand service workers, browser cache api and webmanifest.

vaibhavkhulbe profile image
Vaibhav Khulbe • Edited

Despite of fever, weakness, and cold, I still managed to write an article at DEV.

Sticking to the promises I made to myself 🤞

liyasthomas profile image
Liyas Thomas

Me and @andrewbastin participated in FOSS 36 hour Hackathon and our project ebb won 25k INR prize.

matthewbdaly profile image
Matthew Daly

Wrote my first Psalm plugin (for Zend Framework 1).

There's not much to it (I just generated a stub of all the functions and classes that Zend 1 provides, then deleted all the non-Zend stuff it generated, and it was pretty much done), but once it was in place on the legacy project I maintained it reduced the time for Psalm to run from around 15 minutes to 90 seconds. That means I can run it more often, and get faster feedback in my editor.

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

I got happiness. Simply happiness. ❤️😄

shu8 profile image

I released an initial 0.1.0 version of my self hosted URL shortener on GitHub! It's the biggest open source project I've made so far and I've learnt SO much by trying to use stacks I'm not as comfortable with, like Go, Sapper, and Docker! :D

thtmnisamnstr profile image

I’ve been working on a partnership between New Relic and Confluent. We’re partnering to build an open source Kafka Connect plug-in for New Relic so devs can make observability data pipelines to New Relic through Kafka (which will be available on the Confluent Hub as well). This week we hit some friction, and I managed to spin up a small team of sales-side engineers to finish out the build.

This is the first PM-type work I’ve done in years, and I didn’t realize that I missed it. It’s good to be back doing technical things again, even if it’s only for a week or two.

jcsh profile image
Justin Ho

Published my second post ever on both my site and DEV. Really enjoy writing about my processes and hope it helps others out!

Using Entity Relationship Modeling By Example

gsarig profile image
Giorgos Sarigiannidis

I finally found the time to build an OpenStreetMap Gutenberg block that works the way I like!

vineet192 profile image
Vineet Kalghatgi

Wrote my first proper article this week, it got over 19k views and over a 100 reactions.
Why I switched to Linux full time

shubhambattoo profile image
Shubham Battoo

Atlast completed my portfolio. Very minimal. Used nextjs, a very cool react framework.

sandordargo profile image
Sandor Dargo

I doubled the number of my subscribers at Daily C++ Interview !

And today, I gave a talk at Agile Tour Sophia: Refocus on the Agile Developer!

pauld profile image

I took the GCP PCA exam and learned that I didn't know what I needed to know.
I plan to retake it in couple of weeks but now I know what to expect and what to plan for.

jmuzsik profile image

I discovered the Building a Second Brain concept (basically it's a way to keep track of information that matters to you in one single app) a couple months back and have been gradually integrating it into my life. Last week feels like the first week that it's finally come together. As in, I have my reading/highlighting flow settled, am actively progressively summarising (for example, when you first highlight a passage from a book it is simply done as a moment of intrigue so you go back to your highlights and find the core piece of information that made you highlight it in the first place - a means to consolidate information), and my sense of organisation in Evernote has much improved.

stereoplegic profile image
Mike Bybee

Actually a culmination of the last few weeks, but I was too busy to comment, so I'll combine them:

  • Two weeks ago: Called out some crappy sales "influencer"/"growth hacker"/"algorithm breaker" on LinkedIn for post advocating the awful strategy of cold calling people on FREAKING FACETIME, then repeatedly commenting on his own post to get more views (about how many views he was getting). Another commenter liked my comment and said, "Nice to see someone keeping it real on LinkedIn for a change." Connected with said commenter, who founded his own startup.
  • Last week: Reached out to said commenter/startup founder as he was seeking advisors. Gave him some advice, and he asked me to be an advisor.
  • This week: Continuing the discussion, heavy on the technical side, we're in talks for me to become CTO.
kaleman15 profile image
Kevin Alemán

I've added a new feature to my personal website. And I'm very proud of it even when it looks ugly and it's not responsive yet lol

More on my blog post about it

codeperfectplus profile image
Deepak Raj • Edited

Created Open-Source Repo For HacktoberFest2020 to encourage Open-Source Community.

GitHub logo Py-Contributors / Hacktoberfest-2020

Open your First PR (Pull Request) and contribute towards Open Source

hammertoe profile image
Matt Hamilton

Starting and completing two entries to the Github PayId hackathon within 24 hours of the deadline. And learning a lot about Github Actions along the way. Oh, and in the process coding probably the silliest thing I have ever coded

fennecdjay profile image
Jérémie Astor

This week's bullet list:

  • fixed my car (living 25kms to the first mall, car is quite important to me)

  • Got some PRs on my main project, including documentation (thank you @amberisvibin )

  • Vastly improved Gwion's syntax! (that the said main project 😄)

  • learned to make a banner for my DEV posts (yet there is room for improvement)

  • Got some pointers to improve my writing/post presentation.

  • Got a few stars on github!

hrishio profile image
Hrishi Mittal

Started shipping the new iteration of my product on

Got interviewed on a podcast for bootstrappers where I shared some of my struggles as a solo founder -

maulik profile image

I took a week off from my job to enjoy spending time on my hobby. Here is the video of me pursuing my hobby.

I have not recorded this video to post here so ignore me in the video, I generally look good 😜.

vtrpldn profile image
Vitor Paladini

I fixed a super tricky timezone bug at work and survived a trip to the notary office yesterday. Also had some excellent discussions around here 😄

derekcrosson profile image
Derek Crosson

One of my PRs got merged after 14 months :-D

ankitbeniwal profile image
Ankit Beniwal

Deployed the first version of my first spring application. 🎉🎉

I am so excited to dive deep in spring.

tlylt profile image
Liu Yongliang

Doing a math course and was not satisfied at my level of understanding of the material and felt that I did not do my best for the practice test last week. Checked the result that now am more motivated to continue studying.

result image

chrisachinga profile image
c a

I'd be starting my attachment on Monday, can't wait

kosich profile image
Kostia Palchyk
madhusudanbabar profile image
Krypton | Madhusudan Babar

Published my first npm module k-domains for nuxtJS framework to manage multiple subdomains.

Started my own blog for technical as well as non technical articles based on ghost CMS

kayis profile image

My latest "Fullstack Frontend" blogpost did rather well. Hopefully I'll reach product/market fit with the project this year, lol.

camdhall profile image

Finished off the last iteration before pilot for my project at work. And even managed to clear out my defect list before the final build.

jrioscloud profile image
Jaime Rios
  • I finished and submitted a coding challenge I have postponed for weeks.
  • Started learning Sapper and implemented it on the next iteration of my personal website.
markwitt_me profile image
Mark Witt
codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald

Finished writing Chapter 13 of "Dead Simple Python", and almost done with Chapter 18 and Chapter 20!

chrisachinga profile image
c a

My article

Got 300+ views, that's encouraging me alot

frikishaan profile image
Ishaan Sheikh

Submitted my project for the #actionshackathon😊

phantas0s profile image
Matthieu Cneude

📙 I've completed on Friday the first draft for my book, Building Your Mouseless Development Environment! Super proud 🥳

banksdada profile image

deployed my first project in a shared hosting.
Considering i am a hosting reseller thats a good one

delta456 profile image
Swastik Baranwal

Thought of another project in Modern C++. Will be out soon.

lvtdeveloper profile image
Lesly Villalobos

I made a new application using react/express so I'm very happy 💛

isajal07 profile image
Sajal Shrestha

I got a good job for React/Node Full-stack developer. :)

titanhero profile image

I made a post in here, yeah explain how works my code in simple words is hard for me, but I did😁👍✌️

cmohan profile image
Catherine Mohan

I published my first post on Monday! This is the first blog post in hopefully a series.

nans profile image
Nans Dumortier

I started mentoring a new employee in my company!

bernardbaker profile image
Bernard Baker

Mine was getting some SWAG from a client I'm collaborating with.

ryanhaber profile image
Ryan Haber

I made a neural network - just one layer of perceptrons, but it worked, and I trained it to imitate a simple XOR-like function.

I'm happy.

steveblue profile image
Stephen Belovarich • Edited

Plastic all the windows! Replace all the filters!

I found a way to breathe comfortably indoors while I code. Wildfires made the air toxic. Engineers gotta breathe.

zacharyhorvath profile image
Zachary Horvath

I'm continuing to learn back-end development and have made tons of progress with express.js!

christopheek profile image
Christophe El-Khoury

I turned 26 y.o.

nicolasomar profile image
Nicolás Omar González Passerino

I reached +80% coverage on 2 of the repos i am working on after my work hours <3