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Jessica Garson
Jessica Garson

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Resources for Learning Python

About once a week, someone new to their journey writing code reaches out to me asking if I have know of any resources to learn Python. Since I'm currently teaching an Intro to Python class at NYU, this question has become a daily occurrence so I figured I'd compile a list of my favorites.

Below is a list of recommend resources for learning Python originally posted to my GitHub repository for my current class I'm teaching.

Just getting started

Here are some resources that can help you get started learning how to code.

So you want to be a data scientist?

So you want to write code for the web?

Not sure yet, that's okay!

Here are some resources for self guided learning. I recommend trying to be very good at Python and the rest should figure itself out in time.


I hope this list is helpful to you in your learning journey. Get in touch with me or comment below if you have any other Python resources you recommend.

Oldest comments (58)

realedwintorres profile image
Edwin Torres

I'll add to the list. It's an interactive, online, non-sense tutorial that teaches Python basics. You'll write Python code instantly.

perigk profile image
Periklis Gkolias

Great one Jessica, please allow me a few additions:

_justirma profile image
Irma Mesa

Thanks for this! Python is a language I'm going to start learning :)

jorotenev profile image
Georgi Tenev

Regarding Flask - the book by Miguel which is mentioned in one of the links is very comprehensive, practical and easy to follow guide to Flask.

alexpilk profile image
alexpilk • Edited

Thanks for the list! Here's my favorite Python YouTube channel:
Corey Schafer

_andre_dias_ profile image
André Dias

Nice post. I can recommend Python 3 Crash Course for total beginners. Clean and easy to understand before you dive into some more complex stuff.

alisonstardust profile image

I was just thinking about starting to learn Python, thanks for the post!

goyder profile image

Wow, "How to Do X With Python" ( is an amazing resource I'd not seen before. Clean and impressive!

alvarocavalcanti profile image
Alvaro Cavalcanti

Great resources! Thanks for that!

Also, for those interested in buying the Refactoring book, Martin Fowler has recently announced that he's working on a 2nd edition of the book, which he hopes to release early this summer. So, those of you who were planning on buying it, if you can wait a little bit it'll probably be a good idea.

jessicagarson profile image
Jessica Garson

That's very exciting!

petersimnz profile image
Peter Sim

I note that the second edition of the Refactoring book is available on Amazon.

succhib profile image
Succhi is another great place to find community recommended best Python resources:

hooda profile image
Saurabh Hooda

That's a great list, Jessica. Kudos and Thanks!

Thanks, Succhi for sharing the link.

devanghingu profile image
Devang Hingu

it's great.. did you tried ?

pr0d_ profile image

Awesome post! The Self-Taught Programmer has some good material.

Any advice for getting into programming without formal schooling?

bacchu profile image
Triv Prasad

This is extremely helpful. Thanks for sharing

reactdom profile image

Some great resources!

Here's a regularly updated & curated list of the best Python tutorials & books.

j2kfaalam profile image

This is really helpful. Thank you Jess.

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