
Some useful Libraries for .NET projects

Jéssica Nathany on October 02, 2021

Introduction I will share same libraries and packages to make your .NET project easier, and explain a little about their functionality.Note: You...
seankearon profile image

I've done Swagger files by hand before, which isn't much fun. But, I find that generating the Swagger from the code using Swashbuckle is really easy to work with and gives great results.

What were you using to generate the C# from the Swagger, @sharpninja ?

seankearon profile image

Thanks. I've never tried generating the C#, but I'll keep in mind that it's not a happy path!

jessicanathany profile image
Jéssica Nathany

Yes, example: After you install the library Swagger, you need to configure something in your class Startup.cs and the method Configure you will configure your api, API version, SwaggerEndopoint and API Name. Yes, in answer to your question, its necessary make a to configuration. If you have doubt, yet maybe I can help you about this

filipjelic profile image
jessicanathany profile image
Jéssica Nathany

Yes of course has a lot libraries for .net
Good! I will update this article

jessicanathany profile image
Jéssica Nathany

Updated, thank you. As I remember more, I will update

berviantoleo profile image
Bervianto Leo Pratama

Hello. Thank you for this good post. Seems, link to Polly Github is wrong. Currently, navigate to Ocelot.

jessicanathany profile image
Jéssica Nathany

Oh thanks, I will change here

jessicanathany profile image
Jéssica Nathany

I configured normally something I neet to create in "hand"

jessicanathany profile image
Jéssica Nathany

I use in my work I didn´t have problem

valihank profile image
Valihan Konurbayev

Nice list, discovered Ocelot for myself. Following are also worth mentioning:

  • AutoFixture
  • Humanizer
jessicanathany profile image
Jéssica Nathany

Me too, I discovered at the course I made course in .NET its good. So, I had idea to write anything about library, tools and concecpts .NET for don´t forget lol