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Cover image for You Smile You Lose using Javascript AI
Mehdi Zed
Mehdi Zed

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You Smile You Lose using Javascript AI

This post was originally posted on my personal blog.


I made a web app that will monitor your smile via an artificial intelligence using the webcam. I show you funny videos, if you smile you lose! It’s very funny, it feels good, it’s open source and it only uses web technologies!

Use 5 minutes of your time to have a laugh.

If it’s done, you must have laughed at least to one or two videos. You must have !
Otherwise, either you’re too strong, or you have no soul.

You want to add a funny video? Did you see a bug? Is a feature missing? The project is open-source and I invite you to participate. I have the approval of merge request very easy!

If you want to know why and how I built this app, you’ll find exactly that in the rest of the article!

The idea

As I was telling you, the period is quite moldy. As a result, like anyone who’s a little depressed, I’m nonchalantly walking around on YouTube. I was looking for funny content to help me change my mind.

And that’s when I came across (once again) those famous You Laugh You Lose videos. The principle is simple : you put people in front of funny videos, if they laugh they lose.

Why not do the same thing but in the browser with an AI monitoring the smile of the user?

I have everything I need. The videos would come from YouTube so no need to host them, manage streaming or manage a player. It would be a static site to simplify the hosting of the app. And most importantly, I already know how to detect a smile on a face.

I gave myself 2 days to code everything, host the project, make the article you’re reading in two languages and put the code in open-source on my GitHub. OK GO.

Smile detection

So, believe it or not, that was by far the easiest and fastest part. For several reasons.

  • First reason : nowadays, expression detection via artificial intelligence models is very easy. Anyone can do it and/or set it up.
  • Second reason : I already did it in a previous project!

Remember ? I used the same stuff when i did my previous bullshit with gifs.

So, if you want to know how this part works in particular, I invite you to read the dedicated article.

In a few words, I use the face-api library which manages the whole complex part for me. With the webcam I load the models when I launch the app. I just need to use the high level face-api API after that. I check twice a second if the user is smiling or not.

 * Load models from faceapi
 * @async
async function loadModels() {
    await faceapi.nets.tinyFaceDetector.loadFromUri("")
    await faceapi.nets.faceExpressionNet.loadFromUri("")

 * Setup the webcam stream for the user.
 * On success, the stream of the webcam is set to the source of the HTML5 tag.
 * On error, the error is logged and the process continue.
function setupWebcam() {
        .getUserMedia({ video: true, audio: false })
        .then(stream => {
            webcam.srcObject = stream
            if (isFirstRound) startFirstRound()
        .catch(() => {
            document.getElementById("smileStatus").textContent = "camera not found"
            isUsingCamera = false
            if (isFirstRound) startFirstRound()

 * Determine if the user is smiling or not by getting the most likely current expression 
 * using the facepi detection object. Build a array to iterate on each possibility and 
 * pick the most likely.
 * @param {Object} expressions object of expressions
 * @return {Boolean}
function isSmiling(expressions) {
    // filtering false positive
    const maxValue = Math.max(
        ...Object.values(expressions).filter(value => value <= 1)

    const expressionsKeys = Object.keys(expressions)
    const mostLikely = expressionsKeys.filter(
        expression => expressions[expression] === maxValue

    if (mostLikely[0] && mostLikely[0] == 'happy')
        return true

    return false

 * Set an refresh interval where the faceapi will scan the face of the subject
 * and return an object of the most likely expressions.
 * Use this detection data to pick an expression and spread background gifs on divs.
 * @async
async function refreshState() {
    setInterval(async() => {
        const detections = await faceapi
            .detectAllFaces(webcam, new faceapi.TinyFaceDetectorOptions())

        if (detections && detections[0] && detections[0].expressions) {
            isUsingCamera = true

            if (isSmiling(detections[0].expressions)) {
                currentSmileStatus = true
                document.getElementById("smileStatus").textContent = "YOU SMILE !"
            } else {
                document.getElementById("smileStatus").textContent = "not smiling"
    }, 400)
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

You’ll find all the source code of the project in the GitHub!

Video management

As said before, no way I manage the hosting or streaming of the videos. I want the cost of hosting and using this project to be around 0. The fact that it’s a static site will help a lot here. Thanks S3 + Cloudflare 🙂

So I figured I’d use the YouTube player, YouTube videos and the YouTube API. Thanks YouTube. The problem is that I want to stay on my own website. So I have to use the embed version of the YouTube player.

No worries, YouTube offers a dedicated API for the embed player!

I’ve never used the YouTube API before and I must say it was very easy to understand and use.

 * Setup the youtube player using the official API
function setupYoutubePlayer() {
    player = new YT.Player('player', {
        height: '100%',
        width: '100%',
        videoId: 'ewjkzE6X3BM',
        playerVars: {
            'controls': 0,
            'rel': 0,
            'showinfo': 0,
            'modestbranding': 1,
            'iv_load_policy': 3,
            'disablekb': 1
        events: { 'onStateChange': onPlayerStateChange }

 * We want to show the intermissions when a video is over.
 * Listening to the event onPlayerStateChange of the youtube api.
function onPlayerStateChange(event) {
    // 0 means the video is over
    if ( === 0) {

 * Entrypoint. This should be use once.
function startFirstRound() {
    isFirstRound = false
    currentSmileStatus = false

    document.getElementById("loading").style.display = 'none'
    document.getElementById('intermission').className = 'fadeOut'


 * Showing the next video to the user.
 * This should be only trigger but the click on next video.
function showNextVideo(event) {

    document.getElementById('loading').style.display = 'block'
    document.getElementById('result').style.display = 'none'

    if (listOfVideoIds.length) {
        const nextVideoId = extractRandomAvailableVideoId()
        player.loadVideoById({ videoId: nextVideoId })

        setTimeout(() => {
            currentSmileStatus = false
            document.getElementById('intermission').className = 'fadeOut'
        }, 1000)
    } else {
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Finally, I manage the videos in a simple array of string (YouTube video id) declared at the very beginning of the application. Each time the user clicks to see another video I randomly pick one up. The id is then removed from the array and inserted as the source of the embedded YouTube player. Easy!


I did it very quickly.
As a result, a lot of things are missing in this app.
Do you want to help?

A lot of stuff need to be add here :

  • score management : 03/11/2020 - done by this PR
  • management of other embedded players (dailymotion, vimeo, twitch)
  • a skip button to cheat and go to the next video : 03/11/2020 - done by this PR
  • a less strict management of smile detection (several smiles before counting a real smile)
  • detect that the user is no longer in the field of view of the camera (very easy to do)
  • hide the display of YouTube cards at the end of some videos

If you’re interested in something in this list and you’re not afraid of Javascript: you’ll find the GitHub here!

You Smile You Lose

Open your camera, we show you funny videos. If you smile, you lose !


npm install



In order for the models to be load and the camera to work in local, you'll need to install a self-signed certificate.

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 365

Full explanation here :

When a passphrase is asked just type : default

Loading model URL

In local you need to adjust the configuration of your URL for the models to load normaly : see loadModels function in libs/app.js



npm run-script start-dev


npm start

Again, I have easy PR approval so don’t hesitate.


End of the challenge. I had a good laugh, it felt good. I hope it will be the same for you. It’s the most I can do to help you in this endless day. In the meantime, I’ll see you next Monday!

Top comments (5)

_danieldev profile image
Daniel Michael 👨‍💻

What an awesome idea, I didn’t know JavaScript could do this!

starpebble profile image

My feedback: I really like this because the source code is available.

peterchaula profile image
Peter Chaula

Facenet api is to face detection what jQuery is to vanilla Javascript

javaarchive profile image

Then we could integerate this into Google Meets, have a competetion and automatically move people smiling to the top of the screen

dimensi0n profile image

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