
Cover image for Mythical Mysfits

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Mythical Mysfits


A tutorial for developers that want to learn about how to build modern applications on top of AWS. We build a sample website that leverages infrastructure as code, containers, serverless code functions, CI/CD, and more.


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S3 web hosting with CloudFront and OAI

1. Cloned git repository
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2. Git checkout branch python in VSCode
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3. S3 bucket created
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4. Index.html uploaded from github source code to S3.
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5. Static website hosted in S3 bucket
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6. Bucket policy changed
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7. Static website is accessible from the URL endpoint
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8. Cloudfront distribution created
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9. OAI created to restrict bucket access to Cloudfront user.
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10. Bucket policy automatically updated to retrict access to only OAI
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11. Verified the bucket is only accessible to OAI
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If you are getting CloudFront Error: This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it [duplicate]
go to Cloud front -> Select you cloud distribution detail -> select tab General -> Select edit -> In this form Setup the property Default Root Object to index.html
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Cloud9 - Secure static web hosting

In this module, we create a cloud-based IDE on AWS Cloud9 and deploy the first version of the static Mythical Mysfits website.

1. Cloned the git repository into Cloud9
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2. Bucket created with CLI
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3. Static website and Bucket policy added with CLI
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4. index.html uploaded from module-1 to bucket
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5. Website is visible -
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Creating the Core Infrastructure using AWS CloudFormation

1. create-stack from Cloud9
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Describe stack
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Deploying a Service with AWS Fargate

1. Navigate to ~/environment/module-2/app
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2. Build the docker image
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3. Testing the Service Locally
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Preview JSON response from running service
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Pushing the Docker Image to Amazon ECR

1. ECR repository created
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2. Login
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3. Docker push to ECR
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4. Describe image
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Configuring the Service Prerequisites in Amazon ECS

1. Create ECS cluster
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2. Task definition update
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3. Task definition registered
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Enabling a Load Balanced Fargate Service

1. Provision a new NLB
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2. Create target group
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3. Create listener
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Load balancer/Listeners
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Target group
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4. Updated service-definition.json
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5. ECS service created
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Service running in cluster
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Testing the service

1. DNS copied from nlb-output.json
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2. Running from browser to get json response
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Updating frontend

1. index.html API Endpoint updated to NLB DNS
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2. Updated index.html copied to S3 bucket - mythical-misfitfrontend
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Verify S3 static website URL

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Request going out to ELB DNS from static website URL
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Frontend connected to backend container through the load balancer!

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Automating Deployments using AWS Code Services

1. Creating a new bucket for artifacts
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2. Updated artifacts bucket policy
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3. Grant access to this bucket to your CI/CD pipeline
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4. Create Code-Commit repository
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5. Create code-build project
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Create pipeline in Codepipeline

1. Update codepipeline.json
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`2. Create codepipeline
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3. Updated ECR policy
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4. Enable Automated Access to ECR Image Repository
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Test the CI/CD Pipeline

1. Configure git and clone
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2. Copied the application files to ythicalMysfitsService-Repository
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3. Run git commands to push in your code changes
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4. CodePipeline in action on git push
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Automated Deployment - Testing a code change in mysfits-response.json

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Change in mysfits-response.json
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git push
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CodePipeline triggered
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Adding a Data Tier with Amazon DynamoDB

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Create table with CLI
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Table scan shows empty table
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Website bucket updated with new URL
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