DEV Community

Discussion on: article: 2020+ web performance

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Jim Montgomery

For those interested the article shows a propensity for web properties becoming largely a legacy of obsolete solutions. This has been a growing trend since the advent of React and jQuery where these libraries, and others like them, largely duplicate native features. For example why JSX still exists is entirely beyond me, when templates and tagged templates are available--making this technology irrelevant. When awareness of other technologies like shadow DOM starts to enter the picture and we see those in this field of work solving problems in React (et al) like scoping CSS that generally don't exist anymore it seems quite a gap between 2013 and 2021. The article is interesting because it shows how dramatic this gap becomes over time, and I'm looking at it from the perspective of new articles being published today where people invest time and effort as though it's still 2013. From my perspective this is pretty weird.