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Create Your Own React Template

Jimmy McBride on December 15, 2019

Are you tired of deleting the same things and adding the same extra packages to create-react-app just to get up and running? Don't you just wish yo...
nezlobnaya profile image
Vlad Burlutskiy • Edited

I followed your steps but somehow I keep getting this message. Getting stuck there:

Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat '/Users/vladislavburlutskiy/Documents/Lambda/my-app/gitignore'
    at Object.statSync (fs.js:1086:3)
    at Object.statSync (/Users/vladislavburlutskiy/Documents/Lambda/my-app/node_modules/graceful-fs/polyfills.js:307:34)
    at statSync (/Users/vladislavburlutskiy/Documents/Lambda/my-app/node_modules/fs-extra/lib/util/stat.js:10:52)
    at getStatsSync (/Users/vladislavburlutskiy/Documents/Lambda/my-app/node_modules/fs-extra/lib/util/stat.js:24:19)
    at Object.checkPathsSync (/Users/vladislavburlutskiy/Documents/Lambda/my-app/node_modules/fs-extra/lib/util/stat.js:49:33)
    at Object.moveSync (/Users/vladislavburlutskiy/Documents/Lambda/my-app/node_modules/fs-extra/lib/move-sync/move-sync.js:14:28)
    at module.exports (/Users/vladislavburlutskiy/Documents/Lambda/my-app/node_modules/react-scripts/scripts/init.js:273:8)
    at [eval]:3:14
    at Script.runInThisContext (vm.js:133:18)
    at Object.runInThisContext (vm.js:310:38) {
  errno: -2,
  syscall: 'stat',
  code: 'ENOENT',
  path: '/Users/vladislavburlutskiy/Documents/Lambda/my-app/gitignore'

Aborting installation.
  node  has failed.

Deleting generated file... node_modules
Deleting generated file... package.json
Deleting generated file... yarn.lock
npm ERR! code 1
npm ERR! path /Users/vladislavburlutskiy/Documents/Lambda
npm ERR! command failed
npm ERR! command sh -c create-react-app "my-app" "--template" "astra"

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     /Users/vladislavburlutskiy/.npm/_logs/2021-02-13T17_51_18_481Z-debug.log
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michelangelo17 profile image
Michelangelo Markus

Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat '/Users/vladislavburlutskiy/Documents/Lambda/my-app/gitignore'

This is your error. No such file as gitignore

.gitignore !== gitignore

Check the file name.

nezlobnaya profile image
Vlad Burlutskiy

I know, somehow cra is not adding the dot in front of gitignore

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jimmymcbride profile image
Jimmy McBride

Can you push your code to GitHub so I can check it out? I've never encountered this error myself, so I don't have a quick solution. But if I can see you code maybe I'll have a better idea.

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nezlobnaya profile image
Vlad Burlutskiy

I found the bug and fixed it already.

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jimmymcbride profile image
Jimmy McBride

What was it?

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nezlobnaya profile image
Vlad Burlutskiy

I initially had gitignore outside the template folder and npm published it as such. Then I fixed that and moved it inside the template folder, however I didn't npm publish an updated version.

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jimmymcbride profile image
Jimmy McBride

Ah! That makes sense! Yeah, once you said the dot wasn't in front of it, that's what I figured. Forgetting to publish my changes has got me a time or two as well! Glad you got it figured out!

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nezlobnaya profile image
Vlad Burlutskiy

I also created a separate repo for my cra template:

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nezlobnaya profile image
Vlad Burlutskiy

and I added an alias (alias create-react-app-custom="npx create-react-app --template=file: path/to/folder) to my .zshrc file to quickly run it locally

jimmymcbride profile image
Jimmy McBride • Edited

If you have a .gitignore delete the dot and do just gitignore maybe?

jimmymcbride profile image
Jimmy McBride

Looks like it can't find gitignore, do you have a dot in front of it?

nezlobnaya profile image
Vlad Burlutskiy

I don't, Jimmy. Obviously, there is something else

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jimmymcbride profile image
Jimmy McBride

Check the path that your gitignore file is compared to where the error says it isn't. The error is obviously trying to tell you what's wrong.

the_riz profile image
Rich Winter

I like your template's idea, but I think you are creating confusion by using/mixing both SASS and styled-components.

Personally, I would want all styling variables handled by styled-components. It is easy to
import { createGlobalStyle }... and define CSS globals there. Then apply them by wrapping the main <App> with a <ThemeProvider> component - See

I don't see you using SASS color manipulation functions, so I'm wondering, other than those, why choose to use SASS at all?

jimmymcbride profile image
Jimmy McBride

At this point, just for color variables. But I'm really digging what you're putting down. I'm actually refactoring my style library to lean solely on styled-components and factoring out sass. 👍

Why it was in there at all was because the style library I had created was (and is) a baby. It helps you lay out a page really well, but it wasn't that pretty. So I included sass to pretty up everything after it was laid out.

ahmdichsan profile image
Ahmad Ichsan Baihaqi

Hello Jimmy, thank you for this great article. Help me so much for starting to create my custom CRA template. However, I have question. As mentioned in this article, you also provide devDependencies inside template.json. I also did the same. But, unfortunately, the devDependencies not installed when I run the CRA command. After several minutes trying to solve, I found out that devDependencies is blacklisted to be present inside the template.json. Here is the code I found in CRA github Are you face the same problem?

Thank you in advance.