The fantastic ORM library for Golang aims to be developer friendly.
- Full-Featured ORM
- Associations (Has One, Has Many, Belongs To, Many To Many, Polymorphism, Single-table inheritance)
- Hooks (Before/After Create/Save/Update/Delete/Find)
- Eager loading with
- Transactions, Nested Transactions, Save Point, RollbackTo to Saved Point
- Context, Prepared Statment Mode, DryRun Mode
- Batch Insert, FindInBatches, Find/Create with Map, CRUD with SQL Expr and Context Valuer
- SQL Builder, Upsert, Locking, Optimizer/Index/Comment Hints, Named Argument, SubQuery
- Composite Primary Key, Indexes, Constraints
- Auto Migrations
- Logger
- Extendable, flexible plugin API: Database Resolver (Multiple Databases, Read/Write Splitting) / Prometheus...
- Every feature comes with tests
- Developer Friendly
Check out the GORM V2 release Note
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