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Iconic developers 🧐🀠πŸ€ͺ

🐀πŸ₯‡ Jasper de Jager on April 14, 2021

Photo by Daniel Cheung on Unsplash EDIT: If there are three or more good profiles in the comment I will dedicate a new post to them, let's see h...
thalitadev profile image
Thalita G. β€’

Haha, lovely article! The whole thing reminds me of this video:

One thing I have to note is that it's better to replace "he/she" and "him/her" with they/them pronouns. "They" can be used to refer to a single person with no specific gender in mind. :) It also gives the whole thing a bit more inclusivity!

faraazahmad profile image
Syed Faraaz Ahmad β€’

I knew it before I clicked the link. Top tier video

jmdejager profile image
🐀πŸ₯‡ Jasper de Jager β€’

Thanks, I was wondering how to make it as inclusive as possible, going to make some changes! 😎

devoskar profile image
Oskar Pietrucha β€’ β€’ Edited

This is lovely! I'd say that I'm The Funny One in my team πŸ˜‚

I've also came across people with the attitude like:

🚫 Mr Always Disagree


Are always sure there's better way of doing this. If you come up with an idea they disagree by default and force their own view on the matter.

Best to ask for

For getting different perspectives on the problem.

Needs works on

Socializing with others and being a more teamworking person maybe?

Have you ever came across people like this?

Best regards!

natalia_asteria profile image
Natalia Asteria β€’

Twitter users be like:

jmdejager profile image
🐀πŸ₯‡ Jasper de Jager β€’

I also relate to that one the most although they all have something I can relate to.
Thanks for joining in! You just added the third profile what means there will be a follow up! 😎

jmdejager profile image
🐀πŸ₯‡ Jasper de Jager β€’

Is it okay if I'll call it Doctor no? 😊

devoskar profile image
Oskar Pietrucha β€’

This name is even better! You should tottaly use it!

annervisser profile image
Anner Visser β€’

πŸ€“ The perfectionist

Spends their time making everything perfect, re-usable and beautiful. Sometimes forgets what they were actually supposed to be making.


Can be seen staring at the same code file for hours.

Best to ask for

Advice on how to clean up or generalize your code.

Needs works on

Keeping it simple and getting sh*t done.

jmdejager profile image
🐀πŸ₯‡ Jasper de Jager β€’

Good one! Thnx for joining in! 😎😊

natalia_asteria profile image
Natalia Asteria β€’ β€’ Edited

😳 The mistakepants


In the terminal. Crying because he accidentally ran git reset HEAD while he meant to do git reset HEAD --soft and causing the whole team problems.

Best to ask for

Ruining the Git repository. This guy is worse than the ransomware CDPR faced.

Needs works on

Not ruining the Git repository.

Funfact: It's a methaphor of me accidentally ruining my project by accidentally ruining git reset HEAD without soft option. 😳

stojakovic99 profile image
Nikola Stojaković ‒ ‒ Edited

I wonder how "The funny one" manages to put Easter eggs in this day and age when PRs are peer reviewed. I can't think of a way I would be able to do something like that except by putting it in some obfuscated code in some huge PR with hundreds of changed files. Except if company has more liberal policy on this, in that case I understand that people can put few of them here and there :)

jmdejager profile image
🐀πŸ₯‡ Jasper de Jager β€’
jmdejager profile image
🐀πŸ₯‡ Jasper de Jager β€’ β€’ Edited

Thank you 😊 good idea maybe: πŸ¦„ unicorn developer, habitat: 🀣

I'll also make some more iconic dev profiles.
Who knows, maybe I'll write the best ones down in a "top 10" post πŸ˜…πŸ˜Š all the input is welcome!

jmdejager profile image
🐀πŸ₯‡ Jasper de Jager β€’ β€’ Edited

πŸ¦„ The Unicorn

Do they really exist? It is told that some of them are in possession of the very rare early bird medal πŸ₯‡


Rarely seen, some people seem to believe the unicorn developer hides somewhere on who knows

Best to ask for

Whatever, they are awesome all the way

Needs works on

Stage fright, please show yourself unicorn developers!

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden β€’

Great stuff here you got those personalities nailed down.

jmdejager profile image
🐀πŸ₯‡ Jasper de Jager β€’

Thanks! 😊

jmdejager profile image
🐀πŸ₯‡ Jasper de Jager β€’ β€’ Edited

Changed the format a little bit, if there are three good profiles in the comments they get a new post! Let's see if we can make it a large list fully community created 😁😎

jmdejager profile image
🐀πŸ₯‡ Jasper de Jager β€’
