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John Oerter
John Oerter

Posted on

Do you use Bootstrap?

Not long ago, it felt like every site and app in the world was built on top of Bootstrap. Now, it feels like there are a lot of other great options and even though Bootstrap is still very popular, I feel like new projects aren't using it as much. I'm curious if you're still using the framework - especially in a newer project and your reasons for or against Bootstrap usage.

Latest comments (48)

seanolad profile image

H to the E to the double L to the NOOOOOOO! Bootstrap is absolute garbage. I makes creating original and well done website difficult. Using Bootstrap might speed up the proccess but it only makes that output worse than it would have been if you'd only used vanilla CSS. I suggest BulmaCSS, TailwindCSS, even PaperCSS if you're desparate, if you're going towards utility-first Bootstrap just isn't the way to go.

jwp profile image
John Peters

Our current project has gone BootStrap free. We are using the HTML 5 Grid exclusively for entire site. So far the progress has been boiled down into easily repeatable css markup like this:

  grid-template-columns:repeat(auto-fit, minmax(10em, 1fr));
  grid-template-rows:repeat(auto-fit, minmax(1em, 1fr));
  grid-column-gap: 1em;

Tips: use repeat whenever you can with auto-fit and minmax.
The first value in minmax dictates column widths or row heights.
Use right and left margins to anchor controls so they grow/shrink based on grid only.

We also found that just about every one of our components has it's own grid layout.
This means a single page could have as many as 5-10 grids. We have not seen any performance degradation.

It took us about 2 weeks to really understand the grid...

joerter profile image
John Oerter • Edited

Nice! I use grid so infrequently right now that I feel like I have to relearn it every time I go to use it haha.

That sounds like a good solution.

jwp profile image
John Peters

One other nice feature is grid areas for strategic placement.

Centering is

justify-items: center
align-items: center

mika76 profile image
Mladen Mihajlović

I make business oriented, private apps and use bootstrap and themes on top of bootstrap a lot. While designers might not like the cookie-cutter, sameness of the templates, it's a God send for business software where less design and more practicality is necessary...

tomaz_on profile image
Tomaz, Osvaldo Neto

No, I don't !! Since CSS Grid and Flexbox I do not use it anymore :)

ericgruby01 profile image
Eric Gruby

Although me and my team are able to create things from scratch, we decided that is more productive to use frontend and backend frameworks/libraries.

I can start a project with Bootstap (or Bulma, Materialize, etc) and safely delegate tasks, because my team knows how to use it. We can also easily customize whatever we want with SCSS or Less, so the projects doesn't look the same everytime.

I have lots of fun crafting my own stuff for personal projects but, for work, in my humble opinion, frameworks are time savers :)

haaxor1689 profile image
Maroš Beťko

For my earlier projects I was using Bootstrap almost everywhere but since I found out about css-in-js, MaterialUI ans StyledComponents, Bootstrap seems not compatible with the technology I like to use. Theming is only possible with SASS, it has this clunky jQuery dependency and also adding styles to bootstrap classes with StyledComponents was absolue css hell.

peiche profile image

I'm still using it for work projects mainly because most of my team are back-end folks and don't know how to properly style pages without it.

ashklempton profile image
Ash Klempton

Nope , I am not using Bootstrap anymore and I don't think I will be going back anytime soon.

Reason:Because most Bootstrap sites look really cookie-cutter and also Because stuff is easy now. Back in the day when I used Bootstrap,it was primarily for the grid system that Bootstrap offered. This was when flexbox and css grid weren't a thing and the only way of creating good looking and responsive layouts was to use floats and percentages. This seemed way too much to do on your own when all you wanted was a simple responsive website.

Flexbox changed it though, and even more did css grid. Now in 2019 both modules are well supported in all major browsers and have really simplified the process of creating responsive layouts.

Now many may argue that Bootstrap provides way more than just a flexbox based grid system like various components and utility classes.
I agree to that but when I am creating a website , I would rather prefer to create the styling and components on my own than using a framework.

This may sound ridiculous, but this is a really practical way of learning html,css and javascript and once you have done this a few times, you kind of create a front end library of your own. So the next time you have to create a component like a navbar for a new project, you simply use your library.

There are few advantages to this, first you learn a lot and real,you improve your front-end skills. Second,you know exactly how everything works(stuff like which class does what) and third , there's no unrequired code, you only use those classes that you need to.

In the end, it's all about personal preference.I personally like to create styling from scratch as I feel it gives me some additional flexibility. Bootstrap does simplify styling a lot when creating prototypes but for a portfolio website for a client? I would rather go with a tailor-made website.

seanolad profile image

If I wasn't so lazy I would have done exactly what you just proposed.

florianleitgeb profile image
Florian Leitgeb

Hello no, especially not because of all that Pyramide of doom container hell. Using bootstrap is like marrying without any possibility of getting divorced until you (the projects) dies. Bootstrap also missed the web elements band wagon. This framework is dead for me, because they need to support all those old projects. When I apply for a new job and they use bootstrap... I run.

kuboon profile image
Ohkubo KOHEI

Most of css frameworks including Bootstrap are the return of font tag.
The only solution which divides style things from html is

kihayu profile image

No, I don't use Bootstrap. Why? Because I like to build my own stuff and my own design. I'm also not the biggest fan of making everything similar. There should be a design different in different projects. The only thing I use is a self-made boilerplate for a grid system (responsive design)

saharso profile image

In the age of flex and grid, I find it unnecessary. So I don't use it, nor any other css framework. I do adhare to css design patterns such as BEM and SMACSS.

owaisakber profile image

I moved to materialize by google.

doug_horne profile image
Douglas Horne

I used to, at work.

gdanen profile image
Gerry Danen

Yes, for the simple reason that there are no dependencies to worry about.