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John Kamau
John Kamau

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Understanding SQL Joins: A Comprehensive Guide

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a powerful tool used for managing and manipulating relational databases. One of the most fundamental and essential features of SQL is the ability to join tables. Joins allow us to combine rows from two or more tables based on a related column between them.

In this article we will explore the different types of SQL joins, their syntax, and examples to help you understand how to use them effectively.

What Are Joins?

In SQL, joins are operations used to combine rows from two or more tables based on a related column between them. Joins are essential in relational databases because they allow you to retrieve data that is spread across multiple tables and present it in a unified way. This is particularly useful in normalized databases where related data is stored in separate tables to reduce redundancy and improve data integrity.

Why Use Joins?

  1. Data Normalization: In relational databases, data is often divided into multiple tables to eliminate redundancy. Joins allow you to reassemble this data as needed.
  2. Complex Queries: Joins enable complex queries that can extract meaningful insights from multiple related tables.
  3. Data Integrity: By linking tables through joins, you maintain data integrity and consistency, ensuring that related data is accurate and synchronized.

Types of SQL Joins

There are various types of SQL joins. Let’s explore some of the most widely used ones:


An INNER JOIN is one of the most commonly used joins in SQL. It returns only the rows that have matching values in both tables. If there is no match, the row is not included in the result set.

The INNER JOIN essentially combines the data from two or more tables based on a related column, and it filters out rows that do not satisfy the join condition.

inner join

Syntax of INNER JOIN

SELECT columns
FROM table1
ON table1.common_column = table2.common_column;
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  • table1 and table2 are the names of the tables you want to join.
  • common_column is the column that exists in both tables and is used as the join condition.
  • columns are the columns you want to select in the result set.

Example of INNER JOIN
Let’s consider two example tables: Employees and Departments.

employees table:

| id | name    | department_id |
| 1  | Alice   | 1             |
| 2  | Bob     | 2             |
| 3  | Charlie | 3             |
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departments table:

| id | department_name |
| 1  | HR              |
| 2  | Finance         |
| 3  | IT              |
| 4  | Marketing       |
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SELECT, departments.department_name
FROM employees
INNER JOIN departments
ON employees.department_id =;
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| name    | department_name |
| Alice   | HR              |
| Bob     | Finance         |
| Charlie | IT              |
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In this example, the INNER JOIN matches the department_id in the Employees table with the id in the Departments table. Only the rows where there is a match (i.e., 1, 2, and 3) are included in the result set.


A LEFT JOIN, also referred to as a LEFT OUTER JOIN, is a type of SQL join where all rows from the left table (table1) are returned regardless of whether there is a match in the right table (table2). It includes the matching rows from the right table based on a related column specified in the ON clause of the LEFT JOIN statement.

This join condition ensures that for each row from the left table, the LEFT JOIN includes the corresponding matching rows from the right table in the result set. If there is no match found in the right table, NULL values are returned for the columns from the right table.

left join

Syntax of LEFT JOIN

SELECT columns
FROM table1
LEFT JOIN table2
ON table1.common_column = table2.common_column;
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  • SELECT columns specifies the columns you want to select from the combined result set.
  • table1 and table2 are the names of the tables you want to join.
  • LEFT JOIN indicates that you're performing a left join.
  • ON table1.common_column = table2.common_column specifies the join condition, where common_column is the column that exists in both tables and is used to match rows between them.

Example of LEFT JOIN
Let’s consider two example tables: Customers and Orders.

customers table:

| id | name    | email              |
| 1  | Alice   |  |
| 2  | Bob     |    |
| 3  | Charlie ||
| 4  | David   |  |
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orders table:

| id | customer_id | product    | quantity |
| 1  | 1           | Laptop     | 1        |
| 2  | 2           | Smartphone | 2        |
| 3  | 1           | Headphones | 1        |
| 4  | 3           | Tablet     | 1        |
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SELECT, AS order_id, orders.product, orders.quantity
FROM customers
LEFT JOIN orders ON = orders.customer_id;
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| name    | order_id | product    | quantity |
| Alice   | 1        | Laptop     | 1        |
| Alice   | 3        | Headphones | 1        |
| Bob     | 2        | Smartphone | 2        |
| Charlie | 4        | Tablet     | 1        |
| David   | NULL     | NULL       | NULL     |
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This query retrieves the name column from the customers table and the id (renamed to order_id), product, and quantity columns from the orders table, joining them on the id column of customers and the customer_id column of orders.


A RIGHT JOIN, also known as RIGHT OUTER JOIN, is a type of SQL join that returns all rows from the right table (table2) and includes matching rows from the left table (table1). The join condition is based on a related column between the two tables, specified in the ON clause of the RIGHT JOIN statement.

The RIGHT JOIN ensures that all rows from the right table are retained in the result set, and for each row from the right table, it includes the corresponding matching rows from the left table based on the join condition. If there is no match found in the left table, NULL values are returned for the columns from the left table.

right join

Syntax of RIGHT JOIN

SELECT columns
FROM table1
ON table1.common_column = table2.common_column;
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  • SELECT columns specifies the columns you want to select from the combined result set.
  • table1 and table2 are the names of the tables you want to join.
  • RIGHT JOIN indicates that you're performing a right join.
  • ON table1.common_column = table2.common_column specifies the join condition, where common_column is the column that exists in both tables and is used to match rows between them.

Example of RIGHT JOIN
Let’s consider two example tables: Customers and Orders.

customers table:

| id | name    | email              |
| 1  | Alice   |  |
| 2  | Bob     |    |
| 3  | Charlie ||
| 4  | David   |  |
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orders table:

| id | customer_id | product    | quantity |
| 1  | 1           | Laptop     | 1        |
| 2  | 2           | Smartphone | 2        |
| 3  | 1           | Headphones | 1        |
| 4  | 3           | Tablet     | 1        |
| 5  | NULL        | Keyboard   | 1        |  -- Order with no associated customer
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SELECT, AS order_id, orders.product, orders.quantity
FROM customers
RIGHT JOIN orders ON orders.customer_id =;
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| name    | order_id | product    | quantity |
| Alice   | 1        | Laptop     | 1        |
| Bob     | 2        | Smartphone | 2        |
| Alice   | 3        | Headphones | 1        |
| Charlie | 4        | Tablet     | 1        |
| NULL    | 5        | Keyboard   | 1        |  -- Order with no associated customer
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In this result, you can see that the order with order_id 5, which has no associated customer (customer_id is NULL), appears in the result set with the customer name as NULL. This demonstrates the use of RIGHT JOIN to include records from the right table (orders table in this case) even if there is no matching record in the left table (customers table).


A FULL JOIN, also known as a FULL OUTER JOIN, is a type of SQL join that returns all rows from both the left table (table1) and the right table (table2). When there is a match between the tables based on the join condition, the result set includes the matched rows from both tables. When there is no match, the result set includes NULL values for columns from the table without a match.

full join

Syntax of FULL JOIN

SELECT columns
FROM table1
FULL JOIN table2
ON table1.common_column = table2.common_column;
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  • columns specifies the columns you want to select.
  • table1 and table2 are the names of the tables you want to join.
  • FULL JOIN indicates that you're performing a full outer join.
  • common_column is the column that exists in both tables and is used as the join condition.

Example of FULL JOIN
Let’s consider two example tables: customers and orders.

customers table:

| id | name    | email              |
| 1  | Alice   |  |
| 2  | Bob     |    |
| 3  | Charlie ||
| 4  | David   |  |
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orders table:

| id | customer_id | order_date | total_amount |
| 1  | 3           | 2024-05-01 | 150          |
| 2  | 2           | 2024-05-02 | 200          |
| 3  | 1           | 2024-05-03 | 100          |
| 4  | 5           | 2024-05-04 | 80           |
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SELECT, AS order_id, orders.order_date, orders.total_amount
FROM customers
FULL JOIN orders ON = orders.customer_id;
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| name    | order_id | order_date | total_amount |
| Alice   | 3        | 2024-05-03 | 100          |
| Bob     | 2        | 2024-05-02 | 200          |
| Charlie | 1        | 2024-05-01 | 150          |
| David   | NULL     | NULL       | NULL         |
| NULL    | 4        | 2024-05-04 | 80           |
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The FULL JOIN ensures that all rows from both tables are included in the result, with NULLs in place where there is no match.


A CROSS JOIN is a type of SQL join that returns the Cartesian product of the two joined tables. This means that each row from the first table is combined with each row from the second table. The result set includes all possible combinations of rows from both tables.

cross join

Example of CROSS JOIN
Let’s consider two example tables: customers and orders.

customers table:

| id | name    | email              |
| 1  | Alice   |  |
| 2  | Bob     |    |
| 3  | Charlie ||
| 4  | David   |  |
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products table:

|id  | name       | amount       |
| 1  | laptop     | 150          |
| 2  | mouse      | 200          |
| 3  | keyboard   | 100          |
| 4  | speaker    | 80           |
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We want to create a Cartesian product of the customers and products tables.


SELECT AS customer_name, AS product_name, products.amount
FROM customers
CROSS JOIN products;
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The CROSS JOIN will combine each row from the customers table with each row from the products table, resulting in the Cartesian product of the two tables. Here is what the result will look like:

| customer_name | product_name | amount |
| Alice         | laptop       | 150    |
| Alice         | mouse        | 200    |
| Alice         | keyboard     | 100    |
| Alice         | speaker      | 80     |
| Bob           | laptop       | 150    |
| Bob           | mouse        | 200    |
| Bob           | keyboard     | 100    |
| Bob           | speaker      | 80     |
| Charlie       | laptop       | 150    |
| Charlie       | mouse        | 200    |
| Charlie       | keyboard     | 100    |
| Charlie       | speaker      | 80     |
| David         | laptop       | 150    |
| David         | mouse        | 200    |
| David         | keyboard     | 100    |
| David         | speaker      | 80     |
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The CROSS JOIN is especially useful for generating combinations and creating test data, but it should be used with caution due to the potential size of the result set. Understanding how to use CROSS JOIN can greatly enhance your ability to work with and analyze relational data.


A SELF JOIN is a type of SQL join where a table is joined with itself. This is useful when you want to compare rows within the same table. It allows you to create relationships between rows in the same table based on certain conditions.

Syntax of SELF JOIN

SELECT t1.column1, t2.column2
FROM table t1
JOIN table t2 ON t1.common_column = t2.common_column;
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  • t1 and t2 are aliases for the same table.
  • common_column is the column that exists in both instances of the table and is used as the join condition.

Example of SELF JOIN
Let’s consider an example with an employee table named employees.

employees table:

| id | name    | manager_id |
| 1  | Alice   | 3          |
| 2  | Bob     | 3          |
| 3  | Charlie | NULL       |
| 4  | David   | 2          |
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We want to retrieve the names of employees and their respective managers.


SELECT AS employee_name, AS manager_name
FROM employees e1
JOIN employees e2 ON e1.manager_id =;
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The table employees is joined with itself using aliases e1 and e2. The join condition is based on the manager_id column in e1 matching the employee_id column in e2, establishing a relationship between employees and their respective managers.

Here is what the result will look like:

| employee_name | manager_name |
| Alice         | Charlie      |
| Bob           | Charlie      |
| David         | Bob          |
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The SELF JOIN is a powerful SQL technique that enables you to join a table with itself, allowing for comparisons and relationships between rows within the same table. Understanding how to use SELF JOIN can be beneficial in various scenarios, especially when dealing with hierarchical data or comparing records within a dataset.


Understanding SQL joins is necessary for anyone working with relational databases, as it allows for efficient data manipulation and extraction. By mastering these join techniques, you gain the ability to combine data from multiple tables, extract valuable insights, and make informed decisions based on relational data.

Whether you’re a beginner learning SQL or an experienced professional, having a solid understanding of SQL joins is a foundational skill that will serve you well in your database querying endeavors.

To further enhance your knowledge and skills in SQL, consider exploring advanced topics such as subqueries, window functions, and data modeling. Additionally, practice implementing SQL joins in real-world scenarios to reinforce your understanding and proficiency.

By continually learning and practicing SQL joins, you’ll be better equipped to handle complex data analysis tasks and contribute effectively to data-driven decision-making processes in your organization.

Happy querying!

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