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Hire DevOps Engineer in 5 Easy Steps

According to market research, the global demand for DevOps will increase at a rate of around 19% in 2020. DevOps Engineers are sought after by companies in various industries, including manufacturing, financial services, healthcare, and financial services. This will allow them to speed up application development and keep a hold of the market.

The high demand for DevOps engineers is a contributing factor to the difficulty in hiring skilled talent. Every company's needs are different. Companies are finding it increasingly difficult to hire DevOps engineers to meet their needs.

Follow 5 Easy Steps to Hire DevOps Engineer

Each Company is unique, as are their needs and requirements. There is no right or wrong way to do things. The technology stack of your company, the skills and abilities of your team members, as well as your individual goals, will all play a role in whether you hire a DevOps engineer. When deciding whether to hire a DevOps Engineer for those needs, be sure to keep these requirements in mind.
Let's take a closer look at these 7 steps to hire DevOps Engineers one-by-one.

1. Filling in the Gaps:

First, learn about your strengths and weaknesses to identify gaps. Next, hire DevOps Engineers to fill these gaps.

You may now have a budget for DevOps Engineers. Then you might spend weeks looking for the best Software Engineer who can work with Kubernetes. These are not trendy technologies, so I suggest that you don't look just for the specifications. Instead, look for the person who will add the most value to your company and then go from there.

Companies usually start looking for permanent employees, but there are many other options. If you are looking to create, implement, and manage a DevOps Environment for your company, it is a good idea to look for someone who has done this many times before.
You can also hire a junior full time employee alongside an experienced DevOps Engineer. This allows you to have an experienced developer while also allowing the junior to be trained. Although it can be costly to hire two people at once, the knowledge gained can be valuable, especially if the work is completed within the timeframe.

2.Define Your Requirements, Team Compatibility:

It is crucial to establish the expertise required and team compatibility before you move towards hiring DevOps Engineers.

Expertise Requirement:-

  • Experience in the relevant technical field. Examples include Network Engineering, Software Development or Operations.
  • Keep track of all system monitoring and report at regular intervals.
  • Solid working knowledge of Operational best practices in Software Development Cycle. This includes security, data redundancy, disaster recovery and scaling.
  • Flexible and comfortable in learning new technologies. However, I'm not too focused.
  • Easy handling and maintenance for big data.
  • Focus on efficiency and adopt a "work smarter not harder" attitude.

Team Compatibility:-

It is important to be aware of the preferred Development Methodology for each team (such as scrum, agile and many others) and Tech Stack (popular in DevOps and includes, but not limited to, GO, Python Ruby, JavaScript and so forth).

  • No matter how unpopular, supports and fulfills long-term system needs.
  • You can work with others to solve technical problems without blaming anyone.
  • You must be calm and composed, and you should work efficiently in stressful, ambiguous and time-sensitive situations.
  • Must possess strong leadership skills to guide and align multiple stakeholders and reach the common goal.

3. Planning, Testing, and Development

The DevOps Engineer's main responsibility is to meet immediate business requirements. They can write code in multiple languages and are able to do this work well in their daily work. They must also be proficient in planning and testing while integrating multiple systems.

Maintaining CI/CD Pipelines:-

DevOps Engineers build the CI/CD Pipelines. It ensures that all processes, people, tools, and systems work together. They can identify areas for improvement and optimize Pipeline codes while on the move. The team can continue testing at a fast pace with the help of a DevOps Engineer.

Automation Implementation:-

DevOps Engineers are often hired by large organizations for their ability to implement automation. They are not only able to implement automation, but they also increase the efficiency of engineering and IT.

Ensure Security:-

DevOps Engineers support clients in the development of infrastructure. Reliable software is the best way to guarantee safety. DevOps Engineers have the unique ability to create secure code that protects cloud data against hackers and viruses.

Ongoing Monitoring:-

DevOps Engineers are essential to ensure that data collected is used effectively. DevOps Engineers monitor apps and infrastructure in order to identify errors and resolve them promptly.

4. Offered Salary Structure and Required Experience to Hire DevOps Engineer:-

We just found out what the requirements are for a DevOps Engineer. The requirements for DevOps Engineers are so extensive, it's no surprise that their salaries are high. The salary can vary depending on many factors. Here are some examples:

  • Individual skills of DevOps Engineers
  • Country where you reside or work.
  • Professional experience in the relevant jobs.
  • The company with which you are working, etc.

The company's requirements vary from one another in terms of salary and technological experience. When you are hiring DevOps Engineers for your company, be sure to clearly define your experience and expertise. This will make it easy to find the right candidate quickly.

To hire DevOps Engineers, define your job description in the following way:

  • First, write a brief introduction. Include the name of the company, the job posting you are hiring for, and summarized job information in 2-3 lines.
  • Describe the Job Role, and your Responsibilities in detail. You will be able to identify the type of candidate you are looking for, such as someone who is passionate, dedicated, skilled, and so on. The Job Responsibilities, on the other hand, will outline the job responsibilities of the candidate and the preferred skills. To make it easier for candidates to comprehend, try to keep the details brief and not in long paragraphs.
  • Last, please specify the offered salary and contact details in order to share your application and provide any assistance.

5. Interview Questions to Ask with DevOps Engineers:

Once you have clearly defined your requirements, it is clear that you will receive applications from qualified candidates. Once you have received a lot of applications, it's time to narrow down the applicants who will be able to fulfill your requirements and hire DevOps Engineers.

It is not enough to have a well-designed CV. You must filter qualified candidates and hire DevOps developers. This will help you determine if they are a good match. Asking the right questions to each candidate during the interview session will help you make the right decision. Ask them about their soft and hard skills. This will allow you to analyze what makes them a great addition to your team.

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