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Sanjay Khati Chhetri
Sanjay Khati Chhetri

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operators in python

Exploring Python Operators: Simplifying Complex Operations Through Code Examples


Python operators are powerful tools in a programmer’s arsenal that make manipulating data and performing various operations amazingly simple and efficient. In this blog post, we will explore the different types of operators available in Python, including arithmetic, comparison, logical, identity, assignment, bitwise, and membership operators. We will guide you through numerous code examples to help you understand their functionality and application within the context of operators.

Arithmetic Operators:

These operators handle mathematical operations on numbers.

  • Addition +: Adds two numbers and returns an integer or float value, depending on the input
  • Subtraction -: Subtracts two numbers
  • Multiplication *: Multiplies two numbers
  • Division /: Divides two numbers
  • Exponent **: Calculates the power of a number
  • Floor Division //: Divides two numbers and rounds down to the nearest whole number, returning a float value
  • Modulus %: Determines the remainder of the division of two numbers and returns an integer value

Let's explore each of these arithmetic operators through code examples:

print(2+3) # Addition
print(2-3) # Subtraction
print(2*3) # Multiplication
print(2/3) # Division
print(2**3) # Exponent
print(2//3) # Floor Division
print(2%3, "\n") # Modulus
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Comparison Operators:

Comparison operators compare values and return a Boolean result.

  • Equal ==: Determines if two values are equal
  • Not Equal !=: Determines if two values are not equal
  • Greater Than >: Checks if the first value is greater than the second value
  • Less Than <: Checks if the first value is less than the second value
  • Greater Than or Equal >=: Checks if the first value is greater than or equal to the second value
  • Less Than or Equal <=: Checks if the first value is less than or equal to the second value

Below are code examples for each comparison operator:

print(2==3) #Equal
print(2!=3) #Not Equal
print(2>3) #Greater Than
print(2<3) #Less Than
print(2>=3) # Greater Than or Equal
print(2<=3, "\n") #Less Than or Equal
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Logical Operators:

These operators are essential for decision-making and flow control within the code.

  • And and: Returns True if both conditions are true; otherwise False
  • Or or: Returns True if at least one condition is true; otherwise False
  • Not not: Reverses the result of the condition – True becomes False and vice versa

Here are some code examples using logical operators with if-else constructs:

print(2==3 and 2!=3) # And

a = True
b = True
if a and b:
    print("All true!")
    print("Not all true!")

a = True
b = False
if a and b:
    print("All true!")
    print("Not all true!\n")

print(2==3 or 2!=3) # Or

a = True
b = False
if a or b:
    print("At least one true!")
    print("Both false!")

a = False
b = False
if a or b:
    print("At least one true!")
    print("Both false!\n")

print(not(2==3 and 2!=3)) # Not

a = True
b = True
if not(a) or not(b):
    print("Not true!")

a = False
b = False
if not(a) and not(b):
    print("Not true!\n")
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Identity Operators:

These operators test the identity of objects.

  • Is is: Determines if two variables point to the same object
  • Is Not is not: Determines if two variables do not point to the same object

Code examples for both identity operators are shown below:

x = 2
y = 3
print(x is y) # is
print(x is not y, "\n") # is not
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Assignment Operators:

Assignment operators assign values to variables.

  • Equals =: Assigns a value to a variable
  • Addition equals +=: Adds the specified value to the variable
  • Subtraction equals -=: Subtracts the specified value from the variable
  • Multiplication equals *=: Multiplies the variable by the specified value
  • Division equals /=: Divides the variable by the specified value
  • Exponent equals **=: Raises the variable to the power of the specified value
  • Floor Division equals //=: Performs floor division on the variable by the specified value
  • Modulus equals %=: Performs modulo operation on the variable by the specified value

Let's see these assignment operators in action:

x = 2
x += 3 # Addition
x -= 3 # Subtraction
x *= 3 # Multiplication
x /= 3 # Division
x **= 3 # Exponent
x //= 3 # Floor Division
x %= 3 # Modulus
print(x, "\n")
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Bitwise Operators:

Bitwise operators work on bits – the smallest units of data in computers.

  • And &: Performs bitwise AND on each bit of the two values
  • Or |: Performs bitwise OR on each bit of the two values
  • Xor ^: Performs bitwise XOR on each bit of the two values
  • Not ~: Inverts each bit of the value
  • Left Shift <<: Shifts the bits of the value to the left by the specified number of positions
  • Right Shift >>: Shifts the bits of the value to the right by the specified number of positions

Example code showcasing bitwise operators:

print(2&3) # And
print(2|3) # Or
print(2^3) # Xor
print(~2) # Not
print(2<<3) # Left Shift
print(2>>3, "\n") # Right Shift
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Membership Operators:

These operators test the presence of an element within a sequence (e.g., string, list, or tuple).

  • In in: Checks if an element is in the sequence
  • Not In not in: Checks if an element is not in the sequence

Have a look at an example of membership operators using a list:

x = [1,2,3,4,5]
print(2 in x) # in
print(2 not in x) # not in
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Python operators provide a simple and efficient way to perform various operations on values and variables. By understanding the functionalities of different types of operators, you can enhance your programming skills, write concise code, and handle complex tasks with ease. Through the exploration of various code examples in this blog post, we hope to provide you clarity on the power and flexibility that comes with Python operators. So go ahead, harness the power of Python operators to make your coding experience smoother and more enjoyable!

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