
Cover image for 11 Must-Know FrontEnd Trends for 2020

11 Must-Know FrontEnd Trends for 2020

JoniSar on December 29, 2019

Or- how to sound smart in frontEnd lunch conversations! Sounding smart at your team's lunch talks is obviously a great reason to stay up...
jkhaui profile image
Jordy Lee

I'm still confused as to whether this is an article for must-know frontend trends for 2020 or a very long advertisement for bit

jonisar profile image

See disclaimer: "Short disclaimer: I'm on the team building Bit. This doesn't make any of the following less true though. Enjoy!"

ayoisaiah profile image
Ayooluwa Isaiah

If you want to promote Bit, no problem! Write about it and what it brings to the table. I'm not aware of any policy preventing you from doing so.

It is not a good idea to do it this way.

rajab512 profile image

Absolutely, i was lost in this
And he got some unique users to those linked website.
Organic traffic right there

jonisar profile image

See disclaimer: "Short disclaimer: I'm on the team building Bit. This doesn't make any of the following less true though. Enjoy!"

antonmelnyk profile image
Anton Melnyk slowly transforms into another Medium with ads and shitty articles.

raulismasiukas profile image
Raulis Masiukas • Edited

If there are any beginners reading this post: please ignore virtually everything the author has stated as "must-know". Apart from typescript, it's a life-saver.
All 11 items are to be applied in certain scenarios and aren't the "default" for every use case.

jukebapes profile image
da club has asbestos

He's not saying these things are must use, but rather just things to be aware.

Which I agree these are all useful trends to pay attention to as a front end dev

katafrakt profile image
Paweł Świątkowski

Damn! As a backend developer I came up with microfrontends years ago, when React+Redux was rising, but no one wanted to listen to me, so I just assumed I was wrong and frontend world has its own rules... :(

matthewbe profile image
Mathieu • Edited

Nasty, conning way to promote your "bit" product bro... Just say right from the beginning that you are promoting your product instead of deceiving people.

jonisar profile image

See disclaimer: "Short disclaimer: I'm on the team building Bit. This doesn't make any of the following less true though. Enjoy!"

matthewbe profile image

I see that you updated the article and added the disclaimer. Reading this article, you mention Bit so many times, it seemed like it's a tool more popular than React or any other tool you mention. Reading it I was like: "wow did I miss something here?"; took only further investigations to eventually understand it is an advertisement, and wasted around 30 minutes of valuable time. If it works for you marketing-wise, good for you; as to me I avoid businesses that engage at such practices, making the internet less valuable as source of information.