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José I. Gutiérrez B.
José I. Gutiérrez B.

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Boost Your Android Development with Fast & Easy Form Builder

Boost Your Android Development with Fast & Easy Form Builder

Building forms can often be a time-consuming task in Android development. Whether it’s for user registration, feedback collection, or data entry, creating a well-structured and functional form can be challenging. Enter Fast & Easy Form, a powerful library designed to streamline this process, making form creation faster and easier than ever before. In this post, we’ll explore the features and benefits of this remarkable library and how it can enhance your Android projects.

Features of Fast & Easy Form

Comprehensive Functionality

  • start: Easily initiate form generation within the user interface.
  • validateAll: Validate all form fields with a single function call.
  • validateByTag: Target and validate specific fields identified by tags.
  • getResultByTag: Retrieve the result of specific fields using their tags.
  • getResult: Fetch the overall form results effortlessly.
  • updateRow: Dynamically update rows or sections within the form.
  • eventChecked: Manage item verification or selection events.
  • startProgressView & finishProgressView: Manage progress views for actions, enhancing user experience.

Customizable Form Structure

  • Define forms with sections and rows, allowing for a clear and organized layout.
  • Configure themes to match your app’s design, with options for light, dark, and auto modes.

Versatile Row Types

  • INFO: Display information.
  • TITLE: Add titles to sections.
  • ACTIVITY: Directly call other activities within the project.
  • MULTIPLE_CHECK_LIST: Enable multi-option selections.
  • CHECK: Quick validations for specific questions.
  • EDIT: Input fields for text, numbers, emails, etc.
  • SINGLE_CHECK_LIST: Single-option selections.
  • ON_CLICK: Buttons for actions.
  • DATE_PICKER & TIME_PICKER: Native date and time pickers.
  • SWITCH: Switch controls for settings.

Detailed Parameterization

  • Extensive options for setting text, colors, sizes, alignment, and visibility for various form elements.
  • Parameters such as tag, activity, checked, validationOn, and more for fine-grained control.

Event Handling

  • Use onClick and eventChecked for interactive and dynamic forms.

Benefits of Using Fast & Easy Form

Increased Development Speed

  • Reduce the time spent on creating and managing forms, allowing you to focus on other critical aspects of your project.

Enhanced User Experience

  • With customizable themes and dynamic updates, your forms will look great and respond fluidly to user interactions.

Robust Validation

  • Ensure data integrity with comprehensive validation functions, reducing the likelihood of user errors.

Flexibility and Scalability

  • The extensive parameterization and versatile row types make it easy to create forms for a wide range of use cases, from simple surveys to complex data entry systems.

Ease of Integration

  • The clear structure and detailed documentation make integrating Fast & Easy Form into your project straightforward, even for developers new to the library.

Simple Structure Code for Implementation

Implementing Fast & Easy Form in your Android project is straightforward. Here’s a simple example to get you started:

var easyFastForm = BuildForm(mContext = this) {

    mode = uiMode.dark // Config theme: LIGHT, DARK, & AUTO

    container = MyRecyclerView // Set your RecyclerView

    body { 
        section {
            title = "Personal Information"
            description = "Fill out the following details."

            content {
                row(RType.EDIT) {
                    setText.title = "Name"
                    inputTypeEditText = InputType.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT
                row(RType.DATE_PICKER) {
                    setText.title = "Date of Birth"
                    setDatePicker.format = "dd/MM/yyyy"
                row(RType.SINGLE_CHECK_LIST) {
                    setText.title = "Gender"
                    checkList {
                        option { text = "Male" }
                        option { text = "Female" }
                        option { text = "Other" }
                row(RType.ON_CLICK) {
                    setText.title = "Submit"
                    onClick {
                        // Submit action
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Integrating Fast & Easy Form into your Android project is simple. Start by adding the library to your project dependencies, then follow the detailed documentation to create and customize your forms. With the provided code snippets and examples, you’ll be up and running in no time, building forms that are both functional and visually appealing.

Interested in making your Android form-building process faster and easier? Explore the Fast & Easy Form project and discover all its features by clicking here.


Fast & Easy Form is a game-changer for Android developers. Its powerful features, flexibility, and ease of use make it an indispensable tool for creating forms quickly and efficiently. By incorporating this library into your projects, you’ll save time, enhance user experience, and ensure robust data handling. Start using Fast & Easy Form today and take your Android development to the next level!

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