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Jose Muzquiz
Jose Muzquiz

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Article about myself

Hello everyone. My name is Jose Alberto, I prefer the name Jose over Alberto, but all my friends call me by my last name "Muzquiz". I’m originally from a city called Hermosillo in Mexico, I’m 25 years old, and I’m currently studying a Web Application Development Diploma.

I’m a mechatronics engineer since 2022 and my last job was as a manufacturing engineer making assembly instructions for harnesses. One of my hobbies includes hiking and walking in nature. Watching trees breathing fresh air and just having a peaceful time is good from time to time. I’m a big fan of cooking; I love doing it and trying new recipes and cuisine styles.

Even if my degree demands knowing and passing two programming courses, I consider myself to be new to it and it has never been my strongest asset, so I really want to learn everything I can from this course I’m taking right now.

For this course I really want to try my best to get all the knowledge I can, get to know different people working in the same environment, create relationships with other great students and overall have the best experience living in a foreign country.

So far, one week into this course, I like the pace of the introduction, and the instructor makes it easy to understand in my opinion. The previous knowledge I had is barely the minimum in these topics, so starting from a beginner perspective is good for me.

I hope not only to have a great grade by the end of the course, but also really learn by myself and from our instructor every day something new. This is an important step in my career development as an engineer. Even if I decide not to stay in Canada, which is the most probable outcome, I could use this knowledge to work in something important such as a big company or create my own personal business.

Creating web pages not only allows people on the internet to get an easy access to any specific information they are looking for, but also, I want to develop easy to execute web pages for all the ages and intuitive designs that are pleasant to whoever opens up this page.

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