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Discussion on: Full-Stack Developer Or Only One Framework?

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José Jesús Ochoa Torres • Edited

Hey, in my personal opinion you should be focus on just one path, for now, I mean to be a really good full stack is complicated and it could take years.

Is a pattern common listen during interviews "hey I am a full-stack developer" but the majority are just junior developers that know a little of everything.

Every day dev paths are more complicated and are changing a lot, so my recommendation is to go ahead for now just with one path and do your best work to understand all about that path. With time you will start learning a little more about other paths.

About the JS frameworks, I recommend domain the base of all of these, and the base is Javascript; if you have really good skills with JS you can easily learn whatever framework you want.

  • If you domain JS you can learn more JS frameworks.

  • If you domain JS and have experience working with at least one framework you have more opportunities to get a job

But again in my personal opinion, I prefer to hire people with super high Javascript knowledge than a guy with just a little experience with javascript and "(supposed) domain of a lot of frameworks".

The hardest part of the start is knowing where to start and what next. I recommend fallow a roadmap for example:

Sorry last comment; to choice a JS framework or library you have to consider a lot of things but the two at least:

  • What framework/library use the company where you are applying for?

If you are applying to Facebook you should start learning React, If you want to apply to Google your best option is to learn Angular or polymer. These are just examples.

  • What framework is most used right now; I mean if you learn the most popular or used framework you have more possibilities to fit in more job positions.

I am not sure if I explained my ideas properly but if you have more questions please let me know it, is a pleasure helping