I love working in React, as most people do, I started with Create-React-App (CRA).
This provided a big cushion for me to just start working and for...
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A lot of enterprise companies use React. I think it's better not throw in framework war.
Many of them are stuck with it and they are trying to live with it. So they keep hiring people with React skills to apply more band-aid on top of the existing one. That is giving people the impression that lots of companies needs React because it's the way to go. It's not.
After a quick look at your code on Github I've noticed that you're using jQuery (!) inside React, also, I'm not impressed with your Angular code either, React (I know) is far more readable.
I'll just say that you should get down to the earth for your own good 🙂
Noone is talking about Razzle is because it just works on most cases. So, less time to chat chit and issues.
This is probably true. There are a lot of great libraries and frameworks out there which get very few articles and discussion.
If you want your code to be discussed online, make it overly complicated!
Tip for you Razzle is the name of a dodgy Porn magazine in the UK
ah i see, youre man of culture as well
I read the headline and thought I'd stumbled onto the wrong forum for a second!
This article might be old but I want to express that razzle solved a lot of head aches for me. And my thoughts were exactly like the title of this article, why is no one talking about it?
I like both React and Vue JS and got to use Nuxt and Next as well. Don't get me wrong, they are both great tools but force you to use a specific frameworks and structure your application in a specific way.
Razzle on the other hand, solves the issue of adding SSR support to an existing application. And does not focus on one framework only (even though it looks like react is preferred). It was dead easy importing my ejected create react apps to razzle.
👏 🚀 @Razzle and @José for the article
That is some nasty generalization over there.
Your problem is a spaghetti mess that some dev left for you to maintain, not React per se.
I've seen some ugly and hell to maintain Angular and Vue projects too, so what now smartboy?
There is untold story how razzle fixed your React-router.
The true story is short and sad - github.com/jaredpalmer/razzle/blob...
I don't get your point, React-router was never broken for me, and that is a perfect use case for a template literal
Yep, there is a little difference between Client Side and Server Side, especially in terms of routing and pre-loading data for the route.
That's not a big deal if your data-fetching layer (GraphQL) support it (via double rendering), and not a big deal if your routing is flat, and you can
route before rendering and do some job to get data you need... But react-router will not work out of the box, and razzle cannot change this moment - it is just wrapping yourApp
which makes it work, but not making it SSR - compatible.Hello @Jose,
Razzle looks good, but I didn't find it easy to add it to an existing project. Can you point me pls to an existing tutorial?
Thank you!