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Discussion on: Incident Retro: Failing Comment Creation + Erroneous Push Notifications

joshcheek profile image
Josh Cheek

I like that you enjoy optimizing things and golfing code down to fit in tweets.

Thanks ^_^

[comment about keys blocking]

I agree with the analysis and conclusions here.

The code Molly posted was adapted from this worker. I didn't know about Redis#scan_each, though. That completely obviates our manual tracking of the cursor, which I really like.

Aye, +1 for scan_each. Also, note that on the last iteration, when the cursor is "0", there can be keys that were returned with the cursor, which the worker won't expire, b/c it won't execute the loop body on that last response.


$ ruby -r redis -e '
  redis =

  p count_from_keys: redis.eval(%(return"keys", "rpush:notifications:*")), [0])

  cursor = count = 0
  until (cursor, keys = redis.scan(cursor, match: "rpush:notifications:*"))
    count += keys.size
  p count_from_loop: count, final_key_size: keys.size
{:count_from_loop=>1199998, :final_key_size=>2}
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jgaskins profile image
Jamie Gaskins

Ooh, nice catch! I'll go ahead and port that worker over to use scan_each. Thanks Josh!