In lab2 we are going to draw borders around the bitmap screen with 4 different colours using 6502 assembly language.
Source Code
LDA #$00 ; set a pointer at $40 to point to $0200
STA $40
LDA #$02
STA $41
LDA #$05 ; colour number: green
LDY #$00 ; set index to 0
; draw green line at the top of the bitmap screen
STA ($40),y ; set pixel at the address (pointer)+Y
INY ; increment index
CPY #$20 ;
BNE top ; continue until done the page
LDA #$05 ; set page to 5
STA $41 ;
LDA #$06 ; colour number: blue
LDY #$E0 ; set index to starting index of last line in pg.5
; draw blue line at the bottom of the bitmap screen
STA ($40),y ; set pixel at the address (pointer)+Y
INY ; increment index
CPY #$00 ;
BNE bottom ; continue until done the page
LDA #$02 ; set page to 2
STA $41 ;
LDY #$00 ; set index to starting index of pg.2
; draw yellow line to the left and
; purple line to the right of the bitmap screen
CLC ; clear carry to prevent accumulating of a value
LDA #$07 ; colour number: yellow
STA ($40),y ; set pixel at the address (pointer)+Y
TYA ; transfer y to a
ADC #$1F ; increment memory (a) by 1f (32 in hex = 1 line)
TAY ; transfer a to y
LDA #$04 ; colour number: purple
STA ($40),y ; set pixel at the address (pointer)+Y
INY ; increment y (to first index of next line)
CPY #$00 ;
BNE sides ; continue until done the page
INC $41 ; increment 1 page
LDX $41 ; get current page number
CPX #$06 ; compare with 6
BNE sides ; continue until done the page
I have break down the process of drawing the borders into 3 parts.
- loop "top" draws a green border at the top of the bitmap screen
- loop "bottom draws a blue border at the bottom of the bitmap screen by setting the starting index to $05E0
- loop "sides" draws a yellow border to the left and a purple border to the right of the bitmap screen by keep switching between the two colours and increasing the index of the current line.
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