Basics are basics. Once we get the hang of the underlying mechanisms that make Ruby ideal for learning and development, we can start learning the many helper methods that automate these functions.
This post will focus on the many helper methods we can to avoid dealing with unnecessary bugs.
Part 1: Helper methods for naming routes and links
Naming routes: there are several levels to utilizing helper methods here. Depending on your comfortability with helper methods, the level of abstraction increases or decreases.
-Level 1 - new Hash syntax + optional parenthesis:
A route like this:
get("/", { :controller => "movies", :action => "index"})
get("/movies", { :controller => "movies", :action => "create })
can be transformed into:
root "movies#index"
get "/movies" => "movies#create"
-Level 2 - Prefix methods + _path and _url helper methods:
Using the "as:" keyword, we can define prefixes for our routes that we can reference = DRY principle.
Rails.application.routes.draw do
root "movies#index"
post "/movies" => "movies#create", as: :movies
get "/movies/new" => "movies#new", as: :new_movie
get "/movies" => "movies#index"
get "/movies/:id" => "movies#show", as: :movie
patch "/movies/:id" => "movies#update"
get "/movies/:id/edit" => "movies#edit", as: :edit_movie
delete "/movies/:id" => "movies#destroy"
NOTE: we only need to define a prefix ONCE if the routes are identical but the HTTP Verb is DIFFERENT. Rails is smart enough to know which route to take as long as the proper HTTP Verb is defined.
NOTE 2: in order to reference these paths, we can either use _url OR _path. Use _url for fully qualified URL.
<a href="<%= edit_movie_path(@the_movie) %>">
Edit movie
NOTE 3: when we're dealing with dynamic paths, we can pass the ActiveRecord Object like an argument in the _path() and Rails is smart enough to know to look for the "id" column.
-Level 3 - resources: we completely abstract the routes away because the CRUD functions are so common. Resources will define all the routes and helper methods we generally need - following convention.
root "movies#index"
resources :movies
Part 2: Shortening template names
Level 1 - shortening render template: when passing render as a SINGLE argument, Rails assumes its a view template.
Therefore, a code like this:
def new
@the_movie =
render template: "movies/new"
can be shortened to:
def new
@the_movie =
render "movies/new"
Level 2 - remove it entirely: if the folder name that contains the view templates match the Controller name + the view template name matches the action name, Rails can just assume which view template is being referenced.
def new
@the_movie =
Part 3: link_to
Level 1 - using link_to to create an < a > tag.
<!-- <a class="navbar-brand" href="/">Helper Methods 3</a> -->
<%= link_to "Helper Methods 3", root_path, class: "navbar-brand" %>
Level 2 - using link_to but ONLY passing the ActiveRecord Object itself for the route: behind the scenes Rails takes the class of the Object then uses .downcase before doing a + "_url".
<%= link_to "Show details", movie_path(a_movie) %>
<%= link_to "Show details", a_movie %>
-NOTE: in the example above, both < a > tags will work identically. The assumption that Rails make is that: a_movie.class.downcase + "_url" = movie_url
-Example 2 - dealing with the delete verb:
<%= link_to "Delete Movie", @movie, data: { turbo_method: :delete } %>
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