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Pillagerplayz for JS Libraries

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How to share a library on cdnjs

Ever wanted to share your library on Then, you found the right place! Learn how by reading this post!

1. Requirements

These are the things you need before you start:
A Github account
A public repository for your library

2. Ensure your library meets requirements.

Your library should be open-source and meet the popularity criteria (e.g. 100 stars on Github or 500 downloads/month on npm)

3. Fork the cdnjs Repository.

Go to the cdnjs Github repository and fork it to your own Github account.

4. Add your library.

Open the terminal and clone your forked repository. Create a new directory for your library under the ajax/libs directory. Add your library files and a package.json file with the necessary metadata.

5. Create a Pull Request.

Once you’ve added your library, commit your changes and push them to your forked repository. Then, create a pull request to the main cdnjs repository.

6. Wait for Review.

The cdnjs team will review your pull request. If everything is in order, they’ll merge it, and your library will be available on cdnjs.

7. Conclusion

And that is how to share a library on cdnjs!
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