Niall Crosby, creator of AgGrid, joins the panel to discuss the journey from building an open source data grid used all over the world to providing support and enterprise features and running a successful business based on that same open source software.
- AJ O'Neal
- Charles Max Wood
- Dan Shappir
- Steve Edwards
- Niall Crosby
- React Data Grid: React UI
- Why The World Needed Another Angular Grid
- GitHub | coolaj86/ajquery.js
- AG Grid
- Twitter: AG Grid ( @ag_grid )
- AJ- GitHub | BeyondCodeBootcamp/jsdoc-typescript-starter
- AJ- GitHub | coolaj86/node-docker-seed
- AJ- GitHub | ewjoachim/zen-of-python
- AJ- GitHub | BeyondCodeBootcamp/go-proverbs
- AJ- GitHub | coolaj86/ajquery.js
- Charles- Ready Player Two
- Charles- Masters of Doom
- Charles- JavaScript Picks
- Dan- "You Don't Know JS Yet" second edition books
- Dan- The White Lotus
Contact AJ:
- AJ ONeal
- CoolAJ86 on GIT
- Beyond Code Bootcamp
- Beyond Code Bootcamp | GitHub
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- Twitter: Beyond Code Bootcamp ( @_beyondcode )
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Special Guest: Niall Crosby.
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