Please welcome Jessica, one of the first members of the JS Kongress 2020 Program Committee. Starting October 16 when the Call for Papers is closed, the committee will start to review all submissions and select the ones that best fit the theme. Upfront, we have asked her a couple of questions:
- Why are you looking forward to #jskongress?
I’ve always wanted to get to this event, it’s well known for being one of the most in-demand JavaScript conferences in the world (or at least, in my network!) and I’m so excited to see the speakers for this year and get to meet some fellow attendees, especially first-time attendees.
- What do you think about or associate with the 2020 motto “Scaling JS — Pushing the Limits: Massive Platforms, Data-Driven Architectures, and Modern APIs”?
When I think about scaling JS, I think about the need for the industry to share knowledge around these issues (like, for example, through a JSKongress!) to make sure that talent in this space is able to approach these challenges of scale in a way that feels supported and well informed. I’m going to be delighted to get to see knowledge sharing around this happen in real-time at the event!
- What’s your vision for the program?
I’m hoping to help shape a program that brings a diverse and compelling range of voices to the stage, with hopes that this creates space for engaging on and offline conversation around topics featured. I would love to be able to see content from cutting edge new tech alongside challenges of scaling older codebases. I want to hear from first-time speakers, from new voices and compelling new material from folks who have been working in the industry a while.
- Do you remember, when you got in touch with JS for the very first time? What was the reason for it, or who?
Oh gosh, I’m afraid this may show my age. It was a long, long time ago when I was trying to battle my way through strange bits of borrowed and scavenged code on my first website. I wanted to know what that odd bit of code meant and what else I could do with it. Instantly I was frustrated and delighted by it.
- Do you have some motivation for all speakers and everyone who thinks about submitting their idea for a talk?
I would encourage anyone who has a story to tell to submit. Some of the most interesting technical challenges, fixes, and narratives I’ve heard this year have been from folks chatting 1 on 1 who didn’t think their thoughts deserved to be on stage. Please share your story, we would love to see it.
The Call for Papers of #jskongress 2020 is open until October 15 — we are looking forward to reading your ideas on https://sessionize.com/js-kongress-2020
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