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Discussion on: Why do you use your language/stack?

jsn1nj4 profile image
Elliot Derhay

Heh. I guess we're a little bit opposite. For me, the number of languages out there and trends that come and go are a little overwhelming. Of course, I also don't get to do true web development as often as I'd like.

Also, as much as I like the idea of SPAs (being one who likes JS), it really is true that there are client-side issues with the idea of everything being an SPA.

Since you went from Python to Ruby on Rails, I'm curious about what you think of Django. I haven't attempted plain Python or Ruby, or their web frameworks.

rhymes profile image

Heh. I guess we're a little bit opposite. For me, the number of languages out there and trends that come and go are a little overwhelming. Of course, I also don't get to do true web development as often as I'd like.

I agree, the amount is overwhelming, but experimentation leads to innovation sometimes :D One thing that has truly changed is the death of the Moore's Law and the migration to cloud computing. There's no going back there.

Also, as much as I like the idea of SPAs (being one who likes JS), it really is true that there are client-side issues with the idea of everything being an SPA.

As with everything, they have their uses, it's just that because lots of JS framework are SPA-first, many don't stop to think if they actually need a SPA or not.

Since you went from Python to Ruby on Rails, I'm curious about what you think of Django. I haven't attempted plain Python or Ruby, or their web frameworks.

I'm going to be crucified for saying this but there's not much difference between Rails and Django in terms of cognitive load. Ultimately they are both "batteries included" MVC based frameworks with a huge ecosystem. The biggest advantage is that Django has authentication and admin builtin, Rails doesn't. But you'll be fine with both, it's very easy to add auth and an admin panel to Rails.

My favorite Python framework is Flask, which is a pluggable microframework which starts from little beyond the handling of request and response and can be augmented with different libraries. The opposite direction of Django and Rails, whose default libraries can mostly be replaced by other options but it usually less common.