Nick went to Amsterdam for JSNation & React Summit 2022 and he joins Jerod to report on all the goodness! He also sits down with two special guests involved with the confs to talk Jest Preview and GraphQL Cache
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Sentry – Working code means happy customers. That’s exactly why teams choose Sentry. From error tracking to performance monitoring, Sentry helps teams see what actually matters, resolve problems quicker, and learn continuously about their applications - from the frontend to the backend. Use the code
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- Hung Nguyen – Twitter, GitHub, Website
- Raman Lally – Twitter, GitHub
- Nick Nisi – Twitter, GitHub, Website
- Jerod Santo – Twitter, GitHub
Notes and Links
- Nick’s Tweet thread
- Yulia Startsev on JS Party #180
- Hung on Twitter
- Jest Preview
- Jest Preview on GitHub
- OS Awards
- Raman’s talk at React Summit
- Apollo Client
- React Query
- GraphQL Tag
- GraphQL Code Generator
Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!