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Fixed function in repo

Github Repo: Project
Issue: Issue
Pull-Request: Pull-Request


Today, after doing my first project, I couldn't find a project I liked, so while I was continuously searching for projects, I finally participated in "YouTube-Extension", a project I liked. This issue was close to a bug, but one user's "Shortcut" function's "Quality" setting was not showing 144p. Also, since I am still using this function, I felt a strong desire to fix the bug at that time, and I immediately requested to solve the issue.

In the progress

I immediately started trying to solve the problem, but unfortunately this handy YouTube extension has a very large amount of code and json data files, so I had a hard time reading and analyzing it every day. But, after a lot of time, I finally I found that the 144p part was missing from the Applicable part.
Therefore, I was able to solve the problem relatively (?) simply by inserting the following code in each of the corresponding parts.

    text: '144p',
    value: '144p'
------------------------------------------------------------ --------------
if (value === '144p') {
             value = 'tiny';
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

With closing

Pull-request was fortunately accepted without any problems and another project was completed. What I have learned from this project is that no matter how easy and simple a program looks, never be vigilant and it is also not easy to analyze other people's code. Because the work that was done without my participation took a lot of time and effort to understand the context of the code and each function by any method.

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