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Discussion on: Dear Junior Web Developer...

jwp profile image
JWP • Edited

Aren't we all Juniors at this? I mean there's too much to know right? I spent 15 years in C# and still don't know it all. My 7 years in Typescript makes me know it but not yet a master. Rxjs is a career to itself, not to mention HttpClient work. Angular could be a full career as well as CSS. Oh and what about database work and webserver work. Don't forget Security, and now the cloud... There's just too much to know so we just have to keep at it.

Look at IDEs, I use Visual Studio Code every day but am no expert in all it does. I've been using Visual Studio for 20 years and still don't know it all.

What about desktop applications, we have multiple choices, including Electron... How many people really know electron? Things we knew about just 5 years ago are dead now, killed by technical debt caused by other things being better.....

We're all in same boat, as Juniors just trying to survive, through consistent hard work.

phantas0s profile image
Matthieu Cneude

That's exactly why I always thought that the distinction between "Junior" and "Senior" is kind of stupid,. We should speak about experience, yes, but in itself it doesn't prove anything.

jwp profile image

Yes, I wonder how many companies would have hired Zuckerberg in the early days. 'Yes I created a chat app in college'

around25team profile image

Preach! Even if you somehow manage to master one particular thing, there's the "How can I write my code even cleaner? How can I automate more? How can I 'evangelize' good practices so that my project benefits on the whole?".

jwp profile image
JWP • Edited

Amen Brother/Sister;

I didn't even mention React, Vue, GraphQL or node_modules either. :)

We should be able to nail those things in a weekend right? Sometimes, my eyes get foggy just trying to read and take in all this stuff. If the eyes fog up, then the learning session is over until next morning...

Automation is a complete career unto itself. Cypress, Protractor, Jasmine, Karma, QTP and the myriads of others that big companies use!