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Kachi Cheong
Kachi Cheong

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How to build a Django Restframework server in 10 minutes! (MAC IOS)

This is a quick tutorial on how to make a Restful Api with Python and Django RestFramework in 10 minutes!


Django is a python framework, so before you continue make sure you have a version of Python 3 and pip installed.

To check running the following command in your terminal:

python3 --version
pip --version
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If you don't have python download it by clicking here. Then re-run the commands above to ensure you have both python and python installed.

Setting up the project

I highly recommend using Pycharm as your text editor for this tutorial. PyCharm provides a ton of benefits for building python projects.

If you choose to use PyCharm, follow option 1.

To set up your project manually, follow option 2.

OPTION #1 - Pycharm

Create a new project with the following settings:

  • Location - navigate to the directory where you want your project to sit and name the directory.
  • Python Interpreter - select virtualenv, leave the location to the default, ensure the base interpreter is at least a version of python 3 (i.e: Python 3.7 or 3.8)

Finally open the PyCharm terminal screen located at the bottom navigation (located next to Problems, Version Control and PythonPackages).

Now you are ready to go!

OPTION #2 - Manually creating your project

If you choose not to install PyCharm, that's fine too!

Firstly, navigate to the directory you want your project to sit via your terminal and run the following command:

Let's run the following command:

mkdir django_tutorial
cd django_tutorial
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As with most python projects, we'll need a virtual environment.

So let's create one now by running this command:

python3 -m venv venv
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Now lets activate our virtual enviroment:

source venv/bin/activate
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What did we just do?

We've created the virtual environment for the project and activated it.

If you're not using PyCharm, you will need to remember to activate the venv each time by using source venv/bin/activate

Now open your project in the text editor of your choosing!

Now you're ready to go!


Let us begin by installing our packages. Run the following command in your terminal:

pip install django djangorestframework django-cors-headers
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Now, let's quickly saves all our packages with the following command:

pip freeze > requirements.txt
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We've now installed our django packages.

Next we'll be createing our django project and calling it django_rest_api.

Let's run the following command in our terminal:

django-admin startproject django_rest_api .
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This command should have created a directory named django_rest_api with the files:


You should also have a file in your root directory.

Now we've created our django project, we can start creating our apps.

For this tutorial we'll be creating a simple events app. So let us run this command:

python startapp events
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This command should have created a directory named events with the files:


Now your folder structure should look like this:

-- django_rest_api
-- events
-- venv
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Now our project is beginning to take shape!

Next we need to configure our settings file, go to your django_rest_api directory and open up your file.

We'll need to add the apps we've installed earlier (through pip) to our INSTALLED_APPS.

Scroll down to roughly line 31 of the file and add 'corsheaders', 'rest_framework' and 'events' to the bottom of your INSTALLED_APPS array.

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Now add the 'corsheaders.middleware.CorsMiddleware' to enable your cors headers on roughly line 49 of your MIDDLEWARE array in the file.

    'corsheaders.middleware.CorsMiddleware',  # INSERT HERE
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Finally, add the cors settings to the bottom of the file.

For this tutorial I will be adding local port 3000, but depending on which port your front end client is running on, you can edit the CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST.

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Our configurations are now complete! Let's make our first project migration.

python migrate
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Now lets run our server for the first time! Use the following command to deploy the server:

python runserver
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BOOM! There we go, lets click here and make sure our server is running:


If everything is working so far, let's kill the server for now:

  • If you're using windows it's Ctrl+F4.
  • For Mac it's Ctrl+C.

Creating our model

Models are the schemas we use for our data in django restframework.

Inside your events directory, open up your file. Here we'll create our first model with the following fields:

  • title - this will be a character field which allows text and requires a max length.
  • venue - similar to our title field, but let's increase our max length from 250 to 350.
  • description - this will be a text field that accept a string value without needing to declare a limit.
  • date - this is a date field which takes a date.
  • adults_only - this will be a boolean field, let's add a default value and set it to false.
  • number_of_attendees - this will be an integer field, that will accept values between -2147483648 and 2147483647.
from django.db import models

class Event(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField("Title", max_length=200)
    venue = models.CharField("Venue", max_length=350)
    description = models.TextField("Description")
    date = models.DateField("Date")
    adults_only = models.BooleanField("Adults_Only", default=False)
    number_of_attendees = models.IntegerField("Number_Of_Attendees")
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Before creating models, make sure you know exactly what fields you want to use.

Doing some research into the different fields and what they will prevent issues further down the line.

Now we've written up our model, let's migrate it with the following commands:

python makemigrations
python migrate
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Creating our serializer

Serializing is process of converting objects into JSON.

In your events directory, let's create a file and call it by running the following command in our terminal:

touch events/
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Firstly, let's import our Event model from our file. We'll then need our ModelSerializers from django rest framework to serialize our model.

When serializing a model, we must declare the model and the fields we want serialized.

To serialize all the fields, use the following:

from rest_framework.serializers import ModelSerializer
from .models import Event

class EventsSerializer(ModelSerializer):
    class Meta:
        model = Event
        fields = "__all__"
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To serialize only specific fields, you can declare them in an array like this:

from rest_framework.serializers import ModelSerializer
from .models import Event

class EventsSerializer(ModelSerializer):
    class Meta:
        model = Event
        fields = [
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Here we've excluded our adults_only field from the Event model.

Remember to add a default value or null=True or default_value=True or (False) to any field you include in your model but exclude from your serializer. As we've added a default_value=False to our adults_only field, this will not throw any errors when we make a post request.

Now we have our model and our serializer, let's start creating our the views and routes!

Creating our views and routes

Views are what our url endpoints return. In this case we want it to return the serialized data from our models. To do this we'll need to import the api_view, status and Response from django restframework.

This is also need to import our Event model and EventsSerializer that we made earlier.

The EventSerializer will multiple arguments:

  1. The Event objects we wish to pass through, in this case we'll be returning all the event objects with _Event.objects.all()_
  2. It will also take the request type (for this tutorial it will be _POST_ and _GET_.
  3. We'll also pass many=True as an argument. This argument determines whether or not the request will return one or multiple objects, so in this case we want all objects so we will set it to true.

So this is our _GET_ request:

from rest_framework.decorators import api_view
from rest_framework.response import Response
from rest_framework.status import HTTP_200_OK, HTTP_201_CREATED, HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST
from .models import Event
from .serializers import EventsSerializer

def events_list(request):
    data = Event.objects.all()
    context_args = {'request': request}

    serializer = EventsSerializer(data, context=context_args, many=True)

    return Response(, status=HTTP_200_OK)

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Now we've got our _GET_ request, let make our _POST_ request.

The data will use the same serializer as our _GET_ request. If you want to pass an object through your post request,

It will take the request data from multiple objects and will check if it's valid:

  • If the data is valid it will be saved and return a HTTP_201_CREATED.
  • If it will return a 400_BAD_REQUEST error.
def post_event(request):
    post_data = EventsSerializer(, many=True)
    if post_data.is_valid():
        return Response(status=HTTP_201_CREATED)

    return Response(post_data.errors, status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
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We're almost done!

Adding urls

The final step is to create the url endpoints by adding the views we just made to our router.

Lets go to our django_rest_api directory and open up the file.

We can replace the code in that file with the following:

from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import path
from events.views import events_list, post_event  # OUR IMPORTS

urlpatterns = [
    path('events_list', events_list),  # GET REQUEST
    path('post_event', post_event)  # POST REQUEST
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Using the endpoints

Now let's test out our endpoints, let's start our server by running this command in our terminal:

python runserver
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Post request

GET request

Now we're done! Quick and painless.

Here is the Github Repo.

Oldest comments (1)

asimiqbal333 profile image

Very informative 👍