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7 ways to read faster and retain 300% more

  1. Avoid Visual Regression: Most people have a habit of going back to what you just read. If I were to give an analogy of riding a bicycle  It is like peddling 2 times forward and 1 time backward. This will definitely reduce your bicycle speed. Similarly, the habit of visual regression reduces your reading speed.
 To overcome this you can use a pacer or finger to move forward continuously as you read. Some people also use highlighter or pencil to mark the sentences they have read.

  2. Avoid Sub-Vocalization: Most people have a habit of reading out the words subconsciously even when they are reading silently, for many people it has been observed that their vocal cords also move when they read something
. This is the greatest reason which reduces your reading speed. The way to reduce subvocalization is practice. Please find below links of two online apps which will help you reduce subvocalization.

Another great way to reduce subvocalization is to buy the audiobook of the book you are reading play the audiobook at 2x speed and read the book simultaneously as you listen to the audiobook, at the end of it you will find yourself reading faster

  1. Use a song anchor loop: Our mind gets distracted by background noise, and it also starts to wander when we read something in complete silence. To avoid that you can download reading music that is available online. Just search for reading music and you will get a ton of songs online. Choose which one works best for you and play the same music every time you read
. It is important here not to change the song every other day. We have to build a   connection in your brain with the music so that next time your brain listens to that music it automatically gets into a reading state of mind.

  2. Skip the starting and ending word of the line:  Skip the starting and ending words in a sentence this will help you avoid unnecessary eye movement. You will find that with the help of your peripheral vision you can read the line completely even without having to see the first and last word

  3. Skim before you read: Before you start to read a book, go through the index and lessons and just flip the pages reading just the headings. This will give you a brief overview of the book and create curiosity which will help you absorb the content faster when you read the page completely the next tim


  4. Reread your favorite books: There is more you get when you read a book the second or third time. In fact, some people re-read their favorite books every year and find new insights every time they re-read the book

  5. Ask 3 questions at the end of each book

      Q1.  What are the 5 best ideas in this book
    Q2.  If i had to condense the entire book into a notecard what would i write into it
    Q3.  What is 20% of the book which provides 80% of the benefit

One bonus tip: Share what you have learned when it is fresh. Write a blog post, teach it to your friends or teammates whatever way is convenient to you. This will reinforce what you have learned. 

I have written the above article by watching the youtube video

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