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Kashif Nehal
Kashif Nehal

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Frontend Performace: What does Core Web Vitals, Profiler, Tree Shaking, SSR, SSG do.

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Frontend performance is a critical aspect of web development that directly impacts user experience. Slow-loading web pages can lead to frustration, decreased engagement, and even lost revenue. To optimize frontend performance, developers must understand various factors that influence page load times and responsiveness.

Core Web Vitals (CWV)

CWV is a set of metrics defined by Google to measure the user experience of a web page. These metrics include:

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): Measures the perceived load time of the main content on the page.
First Input Delay (FID): Measures the time it takes for the page to become interactive after the user's first interaction.
Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): Measures the visual stability of the page as elements shift around unexpectedly.


A profiler is a tool that helps developers identify performance bottlenecks in their code. By measuring the time it takes for different parts of the code to execute, profilers can pinpoint areas that are causing slowdowns.

Tree Shaking

Tree shaking is a process that removes unused code from your JavaScript bundle. This can significantly reduce the size of your bundle and improve load times.

Server-Side Rendering (SSR)

SSR is a technique that renders web pages on the server instead of the client. This can improve perceived load times, as users see the content of the page immediately instead of waiting for it to be rendered by the browser.

Static Site Generation (SSG)

SSG is a technique that pre-renders web pages at build time. This can improve load times, as pages are served directly from the server as static files.

Examples of the Impact of CWV, Profiler, Tree Shaking, SSR, and SSG

Consider CWV:

Improved user experience: By optimizing for CWV, you can ensure that your web pages load quickly and are visually stable, leading to a better user experience.
Higher search engine rankings: Google uses CWV as a ranking factor, so optimizing for CWV can help your website appear higher in search results.

Not Consider CWV:

Decreased user experience: Slow-loading web pages can lead to frustration and decreased engagement.
Lower search engine rankings: Google may penalize websites with poor CWV scores.

Consider Profiler:

Identify performance bottlenecks: Profilers can help you pinpoint areas of your code that are causing slowdowns.
Optimize code: Once you've identified performance bottlenecks, you can take steps to optimize your code and improve performance.

Not Consider Profiler:

Performance issues: Without a profiler, it can be difficult to identify and address performance issues.

Consider Tree Shaking:

Reduced bundle size: Tree shaking can significantly reduce the size of your JavaScript bundle, improving load times.
Improved performance: Smaller bundle sizes lead to faster load times and better overall performance.
Not Consider Tree Shaking:

Increased bundle size: Unused code can increase the size of your JavaScript bundle, leading to slower load times.

Consider SSR:

Improved perceived load times: SSR can improve perceived load times, as users see the content of the page immediately instead of waiting for it to be rendered by the browser.
Better SEO: SSR can improve SEO, as search engines can crawl and index the content of your web pages more easily.

Not Consider SSR:

Slower initial load times: SSR can sometimes lead to slower initial load times, as the server needs to render the page before it can be sent to the client.

Consider SSG:

Improved load times: SSG can improve load times, as pages are served directly from the server as static files.
Better performance: SSG can lead to better overall performance, as there is no need for the server to render the page on each request.

Not Consider SSG:

Dynamic content: SSG is not suitable for websites with a lot of dynamic content that needs to be updated frequently.

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